Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Sail making

best sails for hard smooth surfaces

Created by US772 > 9 months ago, 12 Oct 2012
WA, 5921 posts
18 Oct 2012 7:53PM
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Gizmo said...
Agreed the Standart system would constitute a wing section as there are in-fact aero shape formers / frames within the pocket.... therefore there are 'wing sections' fitted to the mast.
BUT a soft pocket (of ANY size) would / should NOT be regarded as a wing section in my mind.

And for those people who think a soft pocket is an aerofoil at what point does a mast pocket change to become an aerofoil shape.... 100mm, 200mm, 300mm, 400mm, 500mm.... when?
And isn't this the point of the Mini 5.6 class, being open design with minimum regulations.

would keep alot of rule readers discussing well into the wee hours whilst the rest of us have had a beer, and retired for the night.

TAS, 1972 posts
18 Oct 2012 11:03PM
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Paul, I would correct you on the Batten configuration.. When I did the final rebuild of that sail I removed the Tabs that protruded from the Luff of the Sail Body and refitted them Flush with that edge, which in turn lead to the shortening of the Battens and removal of the Cams. The Battens clear the mast when Fully Sheeted, the Tensioners are still used to stretch the sail flat all shape gained from the design of the battens..

What I forgot to discuss on the Forum is that with the Cams in place the Battens became a pain in the Rectum when a turn or change of wind direction dictated the reversal of the foil to be changed. The Cams caused me too much grief..

However something that would be nice to try is and Older Hang Glider Sail halved, the Airfoil should be nearly perfect.. Any ideas??

PS Sorry US772 for the Hijacking job BUT>>>> There should be some good info' for you for the future.

WA, 5921 posts
18 Oct 2012 8:22PM
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In that case I buggered if i know how you are managing to get a good shape in the sail.
10 points to ya mate


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Sail making

"best sails for hard smooth surfaces" started by US772