Forums > Sailing General

Christmas Island to Bali

Created by subasurf > 9 months ago, 26 Dec 2013
WA, 2153 posts
26 Dec 2013 10:50PM
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Long story short. Just got back from Bali after sailing a 41ft ketch there from Christmas Island. The vessel wound up there after an incompetent delivery crew damaged the boat and wound up on an emergency mooring on Christmas Island.
Due to tropical cyclone Bob we had some trying conditions loading 40 jerry cans of diesel, 20 of water, crates of food, a dozen surfboards plus other odds and ends. Then when we had no more time to wait for a weather window we took off last week on Wednesday 18th arriving in Bali on Monday the 23rd after almost a week of pretty gnarly conditions.

Here's a vid of us loading the boat (that's me in the kayak). We lowered the cans and crates down the ladder to swimmers in the water...who swam them to me on the kayak and I took them to the yacht. Took several days to complete with most of the island watching and placing bets :)
Great times.

More vids and photos to come.

WA, 184 posts
26 Dec 2013 10:56PM
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Glad you guys made it. I was watching that cyclone over Cocos Islands way , wondering if it was helping or hindering you.
Damm nasty anchorage there. Rolly as all hell. Kelolo is in a better place now!

WA, 2153 posts
26 Dec 2013 11:02PM
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Yeah I was on Cocos just before I got to Christmas...was thinking of all the guys on cocos when I saw the cyclone developing.

NSW, 818 posts
27 Dec 2013 4:40AM
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Tough anchorage and I bet you were glad to get under way. More vids and story would be nice please.

47 posts
27 Dec 2013 4:33AM
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Sheez tough gig

SA, 4773 posts
27 Dec 2013 3:00PM
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I seen utube footage of a yacht similar to that at Christmas Island dragging its anchor and getting smashed by them waves.

QLD, 12326 posts
28 Dec 2013 10:09AM
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A pig of an anchorage by the looks.

WA, 2153 posts
28 Dec 2013 4:09PM
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Here's the proper video:
Watch it in HD.


Forums > Sailing General

"Christmas Island to Bali" started by subasurf