Had my 2nd race yesterday, started with 10knt wind. I was under crewed, just 2 on board and decided not to run my kite. On the first reach was head to head wit the Etchell under spinacker was very happy. Kept close on the first up wind leg the Etchell points better so lost a bit at the mark. Then the wind increased to 17 kt and the Etchell under spinnaker, motored better than me . Hopfully next weekend I'll have a full crew and we will run the kite..... it will be very interresting. We finished 2nd in real time few minutes behind the Etchell. Love my Elliot a lot........... had a big grin on my face again.
well done
just read book on single handed racing
kites and all
great read
free in pdf form
"single handed sailing\andrew evans
Hi Felix
My mate has a Elliott 7.8 and it provides hours of entertainment for the rest of the club fleet watching him with the variable Tassie winds
The thing is nice to sail and fast down wind but can be a bit of a handful at times, sails better with a full crew and can be a bit fragile
We often stir him by saying he should get a proper boat with windows you can see out of as his are just painted on but he loves it
Regards Don
Ho 2 dogs ! No the magic was not what I really wanted and the seller was not keen to take it out for a ride Was smelling fishy........... was very happpy to drop the price too????
Nice pics Don...... I went in the same situation on my Farr 740 was stoupid enough to run the kite with 2 on board, my crew was holding on at the mast with his bum in the water and i got pinned by the tiler bar against the running back-stay. We were in the shiiit big time! I rhem manager to free myself and let every thing of! Was interesting!
You can but need a few very good crew and a bit of extra rigging.
You need two tacklines one that runs through the spinnaker pole at a time and a spare.
When you gybe you can take the weight off the pole with the spare tackline, ease the old tackline, take the pole off the mast, gybe the boat, push the pole back out easing one tackline so the one through the pole tackes the slack back up.
You also need a two braces and two sheets!!
WAY too much stuff for an E7.
try one of these
Can get you a price if you like :)
Hi Felix,
The biggest issue with an asy is you need to tension the luff on hard. Compare this to a symmetrical, where the luff/leach is designed to be curved.
The tension on a bowsprit running an asy is a lot different to a thin spinnaker pole with a kicker!
Looks a bit on the expensive side!
Could you run one without bowspit and attach to the bow directly?
You can but you don't get the 'projection' for the kite that a pole gives you and therefore you can't run that deep, 140deg TWA probably the best you could hope for.
You also have to outside gybe meaning your assy needs a webbing spike sewn onto the bottom of the luff to stop the lazy sheet going under the boat. An outside gybe also means alot of rope to pull/let out in each gybe.
If you want to make spinnaker handling here is a few tips...
- drop and raise the kite through the front hatch, a section of shock cord netting under the hatch helps contain the kite
- practice getting the pole off first and dropping the kite to leeward and windward as you might want it on a certain side for the next leg.
- practice getting the kite up quick without the pole
- mark your brace so you can pull to the mark in the hoist then worry about the sheet
- if doing leeward drops make sure the brace is BLOWN, free to run
- throw the kite halyard over the stern prior to drop, keeps tangle out and gives just enough friction to help drop
hope that helps
I run an ayso i just connect the tack to the anchor roller.
Selden sell a prodder if you want to go serious with it. Think it is about $1000 fitted
I have got it mounted a bit better than when this was taken this was the first time I flew it.