hi guys
me again.
i was just wandering please which would be the fastest small mono hull sail boat made/on market ??
is laser faster than sabre ??
is there other brands of monos faster than 2 mentioned above ??
any benifits haveing mono hull over cat style twin hulls besides speed that is ??
When I sailed off the beach monos I was in a mg14. Its a 2 up boat main, jib of 9.3m2 "I think" and a assy kite of 14m round the perimeter. 1 out on trap, It was a great boat! nice and fast, great kite rides!!!! Cheap to buy 2nd hand and the other good thing is they are interchangable with 2 other classes all the same hulls different rigs "ns14 with main and jib" "mg14b 1 trap, bigger sail area and kite" and when I sailed them they also had sport skiffs "same hull bigger rigs" but I think thats the mg14b now. check out www.mg14.com . We raced against a class cats and other single handed cats up wind the cats would beat us but down wind we would get it back. Cats are good, but I believe monos have more sensation of speed and they need more skill to sail. And I have sailed both off the beach and yachts.
Hope that helped Berndty
Look here:- www.tasar.com.au/ and here:- www.tasar.org/
A brand new one will cost around $14,000 but I sold mine for $1,000. It was complete with two sets of sails and on a registered road trailer.
hi guys
thanks for info and replies
can the tasar being sailed 1 man though ??
seems to look like a good high perf boat!!
but if you don't want to get bored then go to your closest sailing club and buy what everyone else has... You will learn to sail properly and make new friends
so can tasar be sailed with one man ?
it would be faster than sabre and laser boats wouldnt it ?
As a speed comparison have a look at the yacht yardstick used for handicapping,
the lower the number the faster the boat.............http://www.yachting.org.au/site/yachting/sa/downloads/Event%20Info/0910%20YSA%20Yardsticks%20Sep09.pdf
And the handicap system is quite simple...
(yacht course time) multiplied by (class handicap number) = Corrected time
then the lowest corrected time is then the winner..
In smaller clubs often many different classes race as a single fleet.
And over time the individual yacht will have its handicap adjusted +/- to match the fleet, producing VERY close racing.
hi there gizmo
thanks for that info
i cant view dumb adobe reader,bloody thing
whats it say about the 4 boats mentioned above,whats there ratings mate ??
I would have to agree with Jedibrad about your local club, Its far better fun to sail against a group of boats being the same class rather than being way out in front and on your own in a totally different class of boat.
hi gizmo
thanks heaps for posting the boat yardstick facts,cheers man,cool
hey jeibrad,yeah the moth pretty fast mate
most likely wont be joining club,just pleasure racing myself
btw,glenmaggie club is not to crach hot.
What you need is a moth, they are one of the fastest boats around, light and easy to shift around. It can take a little learning to use but if you have any windsurf or high perf dinghy experience then this will help.
There is now a fleet of 8 boats at South of Perth YC and lots of interest too. Don't know where you are?? there is good following in Sydney too.
There are used boats available in Perth. Let me know if you feel up to a ride on one and I can sort that out.
hi fellas
john,im in vic,sth east of melb
how much second hand are the moths go for??
what model moth are we talking about/to get ??
with my price range in mind,prob either get hobie 16/17 or the tasar when i find a good clean boat.
contender,moth ,laser ---------------------------------mono
nacra 16sq,taipan 4.9 , a-class,weta tri----------------multi
would not recommend sailing a hobie 16 1 up ,unless your 130kg ,you will never get it back up if you hit the piss ( i speak from personal experiance )
hey oz
what bout the ns/mg single hander?? I know I have spoken bout the class b4 but I think its a great boat 4 a beginer right up to the hard sailers?? worth a look on your price. dont forget 3 other classes as well when u get a crew.
i know it sounds guys im all over the place r.e boats/ideas,still learning,
may be hobie16 is to much for me to handle,get back up,being 1 man sailing,
perhaps i should stick to fast monohull then again like taser,moth,e.c.t ??
I think it is time to simplify it from the amount of crap that is above.
Glen, you are 100kg, are in VIC and want a mono faster than a laser (lots of choices), your sailing experience is in Sabers and you just want to hoon around.
Realistically what budget are you playing with and how athletic are you so we can give you a realistic recommendation that does not involve frigging about with boats that were never quite right for what you want.
If your 100kg get a contender ,I've had 2 over the years ,quick enough to have fun on ,at 100kg if you want to race you will still be competive ,good fleets all over Australia ,Quite often have world titles in Australia.And for your budget you will get a competive 2nd hand boat..Design by the Ben Lexan...............check out web site contenderclass.org/
if you mean one up mono hulls... moth is definitely the fastest. Whether you can handle one or not is a different story