Only has to be cheap kinda stuff. Not for a 40 meter motor yacht or anything.
Grey marine carpet just isn't doing it for me.
Whiteout has parquetry (vinyl or real??) in his I see ....maybe thats the go ?
you cut plywood to the desired shape (6mm ply) bond the parquetry to the ply with epoxy glue and thats it.
We used vinyl strip planking from Bunnings, and a black plastic tile spacer in between planks. works well.
Dama, what's a strip tile spacer? When I google tile spacer all I get is those little plastic crosses.
And do you have a photo of your floor? Sounds interesting.
I haven't got any photos on iPad, there is a picture of stbd steps on my profile. Click my avatar thing.
I will try to post the photos of the full floor later tonight .
I think the strip spacer you are referring to may be a grouting spacer. It's a strip between adjacent tiles to give an appearance similar to grout, they are available in many colours.
Looks great, DAMA - you've inspired me.
Grouting strips I think they're called. Can't find them online in Australia. Did you get them from a flooring specialist or from the Big Green Shed?
If you have larger areas to cover without floor hatches etc, Anderson's and others have very attractive timber look vinyls at reasonable prices. Very easy to cut to shape with Stanley knife and flooring glues are fairly much waterproof.
Seems like a much simpler method than using grout strips etc which are entry points for moisture.
Yes Cisco ,
We looked at doing that , but we could not find a vinyl one the replicated marine strip planking, and also found the bunning strips have a bit of texture and the grout strips also assist with anti slip.
The grout strips need to be stuck down with contact adhesive in between planks.