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First time trying out a 29er

Created by Sailor333 > 9 months ago, 26 Aug 2012
WA, 48 posts
26 Aug 2012 1:57AM
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Any tips on how to master and race a 29er would be much appreciated :)

QLD, 12325 posts
26 Aug 2012 9:11AM
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Keep sailing it till you got it beat.

Practice, practice, practice.

Or maybe wax on, wax off.

WA, 3117 posts
26 Aug 2012 11:05AM
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Nice vid! Some tips?

-Skipper takes the main through on the tacks (its a lot easier for the skipper to co-ordinate the main through tacks on a single trapeze boat)

-Practice getting your gybes really fluent, it should all happen rreeeaaally smoothly on a 29er. (fluent tiller movement, keep the main sheeted almost all the way in, keep the boat on the plane all the way through, a quick yank on the mainsheet should be all that is needed to flick the main over)

-Practice keeping the boat rreeeally flat upwind and downwind(the skipper should be focused on keeping the jib tell tales flowing upwind, the crew should be focused on keeping the boat level/trimmed correctly using the mainsheet and body weight and anticipating gusts, downwind skipper needs to anticipate the gusts and bear away with them so the boat stays flat)

-Get a cherub (theyre 10x the fun)

QLD, 318 posts
26 Aug 2012 8:57PM
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I raced a 29er for a long time up untill around 2years ago. Awesome boat and great competition.
We had the skipper on the main sheet 24/7. I as crew was continuously trimming the jib and had my other arm over my head, standing tip toes when trapping.
Very important to call wind preasures for the skipper as they can't see that area.
Best training tip would be to sail the boat to windward so when a gust hits the boat will be level out, alot of speed is lost when the boat leans to leeward.

When going downwind boat needs to be flat no matter what, any tilt and the rudder will cavitate and you will be in the piss. When gybing it's important in moderate and light winds to give the kite a small pump in the sheet before pulling the other side. This will bounce the kite around the forestay, and you should be able to get the kite to pop as soon as it hits the other side.

I promise you that a mast tip will be broken soon

WA, 23 posts
13 Oct 2012 4:15PM
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When on 29er's and 49ers the crew should never sit down on the gunnel but that just comes with time.

if the boat is not planing more forward as soon as the wind picks up and you get more power more back get the bow slightly out and the boat will start the plane while going upwind. the winder it gets the further you move back.

WA, 48 posts
29 Oct 2012 10:02PM
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Thanks for the tips guys, we have improved alot, next time we go out I will take the GoPro camera and get some new footage :D

WA, 521 posts
30 Oct 2012 6:48PM
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get a moth

WA, 48 posts
31 Oct 2012 12:53AM
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I have always wanted to get one, but they so expensive and brake everything you go out!


Forums > Sailing General

"First time trying out a 29er" started by Sailor333