I Wanted to buy a sea strainer that I could fit hose tails of the size I needed this was my main reason I bought this sea strainer .
The one I bought is a the compact version. So I thought Id put some photos up so every one who has not seen one can look.
For better or worst I own it off Gum tree .
It does have a threaded Allen keyed bolt to conect to your engine anode via a wire earth to the engine I guess.
The strainer is not a basket its straight through.
Sea water come through the bottom inlet hole into the strainer and the outlet is on the side stainless steel
Just thought Id put in seabreeze so you all know whats inside
From the sound of it the strainer is not what you expected it to be
Does it have any form of mounting bracket
Regards Don
Have you seen tis document that lists parts and mounting brackets www.stellasystems.com.au/uploads/section_5_-_hallmark_sea_strainers.pdf
Regards Don
I just looked at the prices on the first couple of pages and the brackets are not cheap so it would probably be better to make one
Regards Don