hi all. I know this would have been answered somewhere in SB previously but I cannot find we anything about EAC in a search.
planning to sail from Syd to greenwell point on Thursday and wonder if there's a current worth getting into to help speed the passage.
Oh, and I'm sure you know this - you can spot the optimum current by keeping an eye on the water temperature.
Depending on conditions you can pick current lines.
The distance offshore will vary along with strength from day to day. It can even double back and have a south to north running current
Going south go wide and when coming north stay in close.
It's not a constant. ie that distance out will vary a lot.
When you find the centre of the EAC it can be a real escalator. It's shifty though.
Thermometers or satellite imagery will help you find it...
This time of the year the current varies a lot from a drain down to nothing at all to 2 to 3 knots either North or South. Pick a decent weather window and sail South. Use your VHF to scan the professional fishermen channels, 14 and 72. They always talk about the current, they may use expressions like a drain down or 2 to 3 bubbles down but it's easy enough to work out whats happening. They will also mention the colour of the water and current lines too. There will be a lot of amateur fishermen everywhere from close in to 40 miles now that it's marlin season so watch out for lunatics.
There is often a drain of current running North in close so it's probably best to go South about 10 miles or so off shore and enjoy the view.
Thanks guys good tips! Ive calculated at 5 knots with some tacks i should reach kiama by 8 pm if i leave syd at 5/6am. Not ideal heading south in southerly but im happy for this as my sheet to tiller works flawlessly to windward so i can rest and not have to steer the whole way. Ill be alone.
Ideally id like to do it in 1 hit leaving at 3am as theres some moon and possibly calm conditions but i need to baby sit my sick feline until help comes. Crazy I know but we love our cat !
I am aiming to be at greenwell about friday midday or arvo. Will there be a mooring there for me for maybe 3/4 days?
Hi Steve,
We are going to head south for Jervis Bay on Top Hat 25 "Lapse of Reason" Thursday or Friday morning from Pittwater. What's your VHF call? We'll call you if we'll spot you!
Our top hat is white hull, white sails with no numbers, yellowish deck and an outboard.
Have a good trip!
Hi serge. Id love that. Slightly apprehensive going it alone and have decided to go overnight and not stop so sailingcin company would feel secure. Im sure itll be sweet anyway but ill leave tomorrow morning about 7am from harbour. Be out of the heads anout 8.30 id say. Black hull "kia kaha" name on side. White decks. Bbq on back and bow netting. I pmd you anyway. Kia kaha is my call sign. Not too sure about radio stuff vut i have one and listen to weather updates. Ill monitor the channels ramona mentioned earlier this thread aswell as 16. Hope to see you.
There was no noticeable current today offshore. Trawlers will be working tomorrow but Friday is the last market day till after Christmas so they will be knocked off for a few days Friday. Looking like a SE to E so perfect for self steering with a bungy cord.
Thanks again! Any bar or anything to worry about ir is it deep as. No swell anyway on friday so should be ok