Forums > Sailing General

Looking for crew in Perth?

Created by Dadinabarrel > 9 months ago, 15 Nov 2008
WA, 126 posts
15 Nov 2008 10:07AM
Thumbs Up

I'm looking for any Perth skippers who sail in any of the ocean racing series off Freo that are willing to take on new crew. I am fit, 40 and have experience up to 45' but only cruising. Also anyone who just needs help cruising a bigger boat. I'm planning on buying a 45' Roberts Mauritius or similiar soon so I can cruise with Wifey to Indo & Thailand and am trying to get as much experience as I can by then (also as logged miles for the Yachtmaster program)

I am able to sail any day of the week with a bit of notice, I can even fly to or back from the boat for passagemaking if the opportunity arises.

Tim Ryan
0423 628 370


Forums > Sailing General

"Looking for crew in Perth?" started by Dadinabarrel