Forums > Sailing General

Lord Howe Island

Created by djarrak > 9 months ago, 25 Jan 2010
13 posts
25 Jan 2010 6:50PM
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This is a serious topic and so I would appreciate it if only those with recent and cogent information would respond.

I am hoping to sail to Lord Howe Island (LHI) from nsw in February and am having difficulty obtaining the necessary information from the authorities on the island to allow me to arrange that remarkable feat.

I know that the police now control access (not nsw maritime) and the board allocate moorings, but most of my attempts at accessing information have been fruitless.

Can anyone help me?

33 posts
25 Jan 2010 8:11PM
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Mate you should'nt have a problem, as your still in Aus territory, and customs etc should not be a bother. I'm about to come in from the other direction, and all I did was ring up and say what I'm doing. Fax to follow. If you need contact details pm/email and I'll give you ph nos etc. If you are in or near Sydney have a talk to customs, they were really helpful and gave me contact nos and details on procedures. Might see ya there! ETA 12ish Feb

NSW, 1433 posts
28 Jan 2010 9:30AM
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This is what you want. Dated 20/12/09. Check National Parks for their restrictions, I am still waiting for their reply. Phil.

LORD HOWE ISLAND INFORMATION FOR YACHTS & SMALL CRAFT VISITING LORD HOWE ISLAND WORLD HERITAGE AREA and LORD HOWE ISLAND MARINE PARK Masters of yachts & small craft are advised to contact the Lord Howe Island Port Operations Manager (POM), currently the NSW Police Officer on LHI, prior to departure for the Island. Tel: (02) 6563 2199 Fax (02) 6563 2131. To book a mooring, please contact the Lord Howe Island Board Administration Office on Tel: (02) 6563 2066. Refer to Section 4 for information on how to book a mooring and for associated fees & charges. For Marine Park information, contact Lord Howe Island Marine Park Manager, Ian Kerr on Tel: (02) 6563 2359, Fax: (02) 6563 2367. Masters can also contact Lord Howe Maritime for radio schedules on Tel: (02) 6563 2266 Fax: (02) 6563 2151. ____________________________________________________________ RADIO COMMUNICATION Radio communications are provided through a private operator, Lord Howe Island Maritime. HF - Normal listening 0700 to 2100 (LHI Local Time) on 4125 Communications are available on Australian and New Zealand frequencies and international if required. They are: VIC ARCC Canberra Taupo Maritime NZ Maritime Safety Penta Com Stat Aust. Limited Coast Station These following stations are aware of the system to alert Lord Howe Maritime at any time. VHF - Channel 16 & 12 (VHF Port Channel is 12) CB 27,900 is active 24 hours daily
PORT ARRANGEMENTS 1. Customs All visiting vessels are required to contact the Australian Customs Service prior to and during their stay on the Island. Customs¡¦ representative is the NSW Police Officer on LHI Tel: (02) 6563 2199, Fax: (02) 6563 2131, Email: 2. Port Operations Manager The NSW Police Officer on LHI is also the Port Operations Manager (POM) appointed by NSW Maritime (contact details above). Please ensure that you contact the POM on your approach to the Island on port channel VHF 12.
3. Oil or Pollutant Spill
Please notify the Port Operations Manager or Deputy immediately by radio as listed or Tel: (02) 6563 2199 or (02) 6563 2066.
4. Moorings
To protect delicate coral and benthic communities from anchor damage all vessels using the Lagoon are required to use moorings provided by the LHIB. There are 12 LHIB Public Temporary Moorings situated in the Lagoon (yellow coloured top float). Moorings will be allocated to suit the size, weight and draught of the vessel. It is preferable that bookings be made prior to your departure for the Island by contacting the LHIB Administration on Tel: (02) 6563 2066. Moorings will only be issued to a vessel for a maximum of 2 weeks.
Mooring Fees and Environmental Levy charges are payable to the Lord Howe Island Board. These charges are set by the Board and may vary from time to time. They cover the use of a mooring, use of amenities provided at the jetty and assistance toward the maintenance of the Island¡¦s biodiversity. The fees are current until 30 June 2010. Mooring Fees: $35.20 per night, $70.40 minimum charge or $231.00 per week. (Prices include GST) Environmental Levy: $35 per person (GST exempt) one off payment Fees can be paid at the Board¡¦s Administration Office in Bowker Avenue between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday or at the LHIB Liquor Store in Bowker Ave (situated next to the LHIB Administration Office) between 1:00pm and 4:30pm on Saturday. Please note that payment cannot be made on Sundays.
Vessels with overall length greater than 5 metres may not anchor within the LHI Lagoon, without written permission from MPA. Anchoring is prohibited within Sanctuary Zones, with 3 exclusion areas for vessels less than 10 metres long. There are 12 Public Day Use Moorings (pink coloured top float) that vessels less than 10 metres long can use for short periods of time to access snorkelling sites. Commercial Tour Operators (CTO) have priority use of these moorings and vessels must vacate if and when a CTO vessel approaches. 5. Navigation Entry to or departure from the Lagoon is not permitted without prior approval from the Port Operations Manager (POM). Controlled sector lighting for entry into the Lagoon during the hours of darkness will only be permitted with the prior approval of the POM. Starboard Lateral Markers have been installed at the entrance to the Lagoon to assist a safe passage. Urgent or emergency calls will be treated on their merit taking into account weather and sea conditions. 6. Alternative Anchorage Entry into the Lagoon will be dependent on;
„« Weather and sea conditions
„« The draft of the vessel (may exceed the safety limit for entry)
„« The weight of the vessel (may be exceed the safe working load of the mooring systems)
Should any of the above prevent entry into the Lagoon; vessels will be advised/piloted by radio to an alternative anchorage position suitable to the conditions at the time. Contact should also be made with the Marine Parks Authority to confirm approved anchorage locations. 7. Dinghies There are no dinghies or outboards available for hire. Moorings are one-half to three-quarters of a mile from landing points and a substantial dinghy should be carried. Dinghies should not be left at the jetty but beached or pulled up the ramp just north of the jetty. 8. Tides Tide times for Lord Howe Island are 16 minutes ahead of Fort Denison chart and 46 minutes ahead during Daylight Saving periods. Heights can vary greatly subject to wind and sea conditions.
9. Facilities Showers, toilets and limited laundry facilities are provided for small craft crews at the jetty. The key to the showers and laundry is available upon paying a $20.00 refundable deposit to the LHIB Administration Office. Indoor and outdoor clothes lines are provided near the facility. Please do not string washing out along the foreshore. 10. Fresh Water Fresh water is available from the jetty shed. The Island¡¦s freshwater supply is reliant on rainfall and there can be limited supplies, especially during warmer months. Please help protect Lord Howe Island and always use water wisely. 11. Fuel Shell Agent - Mr. Gower Wilson: Skyline Drive, Telephone (02) 6563 2135. Tanker transport (diesel only) to the jetty is available by arrangement. 12. L.P. Gas L.P. gas is available from 'Wilson¡¦s Bike Hire¡¦, 3 Lagoon Road Lord Howe Island Tel: (02) 6563 2045 or from All Island Services¡¦ Tel: (02) 6563 2025. 13. Banking Travellers cheques or foreign currency cannot be exchanged anywhere on the Island. There is a Commonwealth Bank Agency in Bowker Avenue near the LHIB Administration Office and the Liquor Store which is open Mon, Wed & Fri 9.00am to 12.00pm. Westpac also has an agency on the Island at Thompson¡¦s Store; opening hours vary and are limited. There are no ATM machines on the Island and EFTPOS facilities are limited. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW - RESTRICTIONS To help protect the Island¡¦s unique and diverse terrestrial and marine ecosystems, the following regulations apply.
„« No camping is permitted on Lord Howe Island.
„« Domestic animals are not allowed onto the Island.
„« BBQ fires are only permitted in designated fireplaces or onboard your vessel.
„« LHI Recycles ¡V Please use the appropriate rubbish bins provided at the jetty facilities.
Lord Howe Island Marine Park is designed to conserve marine diversity and habitats, while allowing for public recreation and some commercial use.
„« There are 7 Sanctuary Zones where no fishing or collecting is allowed
„« Spearfishing is not permitted anywhere in the Marine Park;
„« Dip and landing nets and baittraps are only permitted in Habitat Protection Zones;
„« Fish cleaning from vessels is only allowed between Dawson¡¦s Point and North Passage;
„« Jetskis are not permitted in the Marine Park
„« Marine Park Permits may be required for certain activities e.g. commercial activities;
„« Vessels that are heavily fouled by marine organisms (i.e. on the hull of vessel) are not allowed to enter the marine park and may be directed out of LHIMP waters.
Recreational catch of fish species (outside of sanctuary zones) are subject to bag limits and size limits as per Fisheries Regulations
„« Landing or walking on any part of the coral reef on the western side of Lord Howe is not permitted between the northern side of Erscotts Passage and the southern side of North passage.
For information about access to Elizabeth and Middleton Reef Marine National Nature Reserves, contact the LHI Marine Park Authority Office on (02) 6563 2359. Middleton Reef is a Sanctuary Zone and access to Elizabeth Reef is via a Marine Park permit only. YOU CAN HELP CONSERVE THE ISLAND¡¦S WORLD HERITAGE ENVIRONMENT The following actions will help us conserve and protect the unique and fragile marine and terrestrial ecosystems of Lord Howe Island World Heritage Area and Marine Park.
„« All types of discharges from vessels are prohibited within the Lord Howe Island Lagoon.
„« No pollutants (including garbage, non-biodegradable products such as plastics, oil and oily waste, sewage and sullage) are to be discharged into the Lagoon.
„« Unless your vessel is equipped with a holding tank, DO NOT USE YOUR TOILET.
„« Toilets and rubbish bins for waste and recyclables are provided at the jetty and various other locations on the Island. Please remember to separate and recycle your waste.
„« No garbage should be discharged within 12 nautical miles from the nearest
land. No plastics should be thrown into the sea at any time.
„« Please ensure your vessel is not heavily fouled by marine organisms (i.e. on the
hull of vessel) to help keep the waters of LHIMP free from introduced marine
„« Vessels arriving from overseas must hold their rubbish in order to comply with
health and quarantine regulations.
„« Lord Howe Island is a World Heritage site managed by the Lord Howe Island
Board. The Lord Howe Island Marine Park is managed by NSW Department of
Environment and Climate Change/Marine Parks Authority and Commonwealth
Department of Environment, Water Heritage and Arts.
Please help us to protect the unique environment of Lord Howe Island above and below
the water. Please enjoy your visit to Lord Howe Island World Heritage Area and Lord
Howe Island Marine Park.
Stephen Wills Ian Kerr
Chief Executive Officer Manager
Lord Howe Island Board Lord Howe Island Marine Park

NSW, 397 posts
28 Jan 2010 11:19AM
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Wow im so glad that there arent many rules for visiting yachts?

13 posts
29 Jan 2010 3:45PM
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Thanks all! I have recieved the 10 pages of documentation from the authorities and all forms are submitted. Featherhead, I hope to see you there. I'll be in touch.

33 posts
20 Mar 2010 8:02PM
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Arrived Lord Howe 19 Feb, after ph calls to island cop/customs/quarantine officer, no paperwork involved. Came in from NZ, very simple process. Guided into Nth Passage to mooring, Customs/Quantine inspection and paperwork, and then dinghy/walk to Island Board to pay fees. Everyone involved exceptionally friendly and helpful. Talk to people instead of email, you get better responses.

2 posts
16 May 2010 9:19AM
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Wow ! I really love sailing and exploring the world specially Australia particularly in New South Wales . This is a very great idea when someone needs to unwind and relax . I do love traveling with luxurious cruise with this island !You may ask all the authority in that particular place regarding the matter your into !! Thanks !


Forums > Sailing General

"Lord Howe Island" started by djarrak