We've hit a bit of a snag. Photos below. Looks like this was the original light fitting and is spot welded to the masthead. We've fed up new cable and are getting 12v to the pins in the fitting. The bulb was shot so we got 2 possible replacements from Whitworths. Appears to be a bayonet fitting with 2 pins. One was too small in bayonet diameter and the other the globe was too tall so we couldn't screw back on the globe. Theoretically this bulb should light up but other half didn't test it without screwing on the dome because he realised it was nit the right bulb.
Looks like replacing the light itself is a non starter without bringing down the mast and grinding this off.
Anyone ever seen these lights before and could point ys in the right direction. The bulb we took out had a badly corroded bayonet so I am not convinced if replace the bulb that the fitting itself won't be shot.
Thoughts and ideas welcome.
Nickic, not sure about the electrics but that screw-on carabeener looks like a possible weak link in the rigging, I doubt it has anywhere near the load-bearing capacity of a D-shackle, depending on what exactly it supports…the forestay? May need others to add comments before you take my advice to replace it.
Thanks but its not rigging. Its holds the block for the jib halyard, is marine grade steel and has a load bearing of 240 kgs. We just replaced it and we had to saw off its predecessor which was a 5mm and this is 6mm. We had to saw off the previous one which had clearly been on a while and the manufacturer of the block (which was actually what broke) has not been in business for more than a decade. On that basis I think it should be fine. The forestay is on the other side. You can just about see it in the photo and its attached with a d shackle.
I have a complete light fitting (including globe) that looks identical. It could be 1970 vintage.
On the underside of glass top it says PERWIS, British Manufacture.
The internal fitting looks to be stainless. The globe is A C E 12V6W, JAPAN and is 32 mm in height.
There are 3 small holes (each approx. 4 mm dia) in base for securing with screws.
Remove the white rubber gasket, spray internals with INOX (it cures all) then use pliers to pull out internals.
Thanks Warrina 111. Think the boat was built late 70s so you would be on the mark.
So you think we might be able to pull the fitment right out if we can loosen it with Inox. Then either clean it up or replace it?
What's the white rubber gasket you refer to?
Thanks but its not rigging. Its holds the block for the jib halyard, is marine grade steel and has a load bearing of 240 kgs. We just replaced it and we had to saw off its predecessor which was a 5mm and this is 6mm. We had to saw off the previous one which had clearly been on a while and the manufacturer of the block (which was actually what broke) has not been in business for more than a decade. On that basis I think it should be fine. The forestay is on the other side. You can just about see it in the photo and its attached with a d shackle.
Not too keen on screw pin shackles up there. D shackles with a clevis pin might be safer. I think I would be looking at zip tying a new tricolour to the old light or making a bracket using one of the bolts there the carabeener is attached to.
Mate rowed out to his yacht one morning and the halyard and block shackle and pin were scattered over his foredeck!
The globe holder assembly should come out. The white gasket is about 2 mm thick and sites between this assembly and the glass top to make the assembly waterproof.
Yep. Got you now. Will give that a go. Hopefully if we can get it out we can replace to LED at the same time.
Thanks Cisco. Your comment has me intrigued. Surely you still need to mount it on the masthead otherwise how do you get 360?
Yes, it comes with a good bracket for mounting on top of the mast and it is all round nav/tri light or all round anchor light. It only needs two wires and it comes with a polarity reversing switch for off, nav lights or anchor light. It also has a goretex membrane underneath to compensate for temperature/internal pressure differences.
LED lights are polarity sensitive.
Once fitted, it is a no brainer, no going up the mast to change bulbs. The price is certainly right compared to other "conventional" mast head tri/anchor lights.
If you don't want to go up the mast to fit it, mount it on a 2 or 3 metre pole clamped to your taff rail.
Yes, it comes with a good bracket for mounting on top of the mast and it is all round nav/tri light or all round anchor light. It only needs two wires and it comes with a polarity reversing switch for off, nav lights or anchor light. It also has a goretex membrane underneath to compensate for temperature/internal pressure differences.
LED lights are polarity sensitive.
Once fitted, it is a no brainer, no going up the mast to change bulbs. The price is certainly right compared to other "conventional" mast head tri/anchor lights.
If you don't want to go up the mast to fit it, mount it on a 2 or 3 metre pole clamped to your taff rail.
Just make a SS bracket so it mounts just above the old light and utilize the U bolt that's there already. One hole would be enough they don't weigh much.
Thanks folks. We are pretty well practised up and down the mast now. Going to try replacing the bayonet fitting as the easiest short term solution. We are actually wondering longer term if we can get something which sits in the existing stainless cup.
Its made us rethink the whole setup. We have sidelights and stern light but no steaming light and they are on the same switch. We have no spare switches on the panel so going to have to fit a separate one for the stern light so that we can run with the 360 and sidelights under power and sidelights and stern under sail.
Hurrah. Absolute test of stamina, ingenuity, tenacity and marital harmony but the light is working. Thanks to you all. Warrina III it is definitely the same unit. We managed to get the old fitting out of the base. All the rubber seals were shot and the fitting base was corroded so we cheated for now. Couldnt get a replacement fitting today so bought an incandescent Lazilas for $19 which actually sat neatly on the base and have secured it in place with silicon which we can cut out easily later if we can replace the fitting. Might even be able to replace the fitting with an LED one. We able to thread the new cable up through the base to wire it up so a very tidy finish. Going to head to Woolwich tonight so any other Seabreezers out there give us a wave.