Forums > Sailing General

New sailor

Created by Batchook > 9 months ago, 18 Jul 2011
4 posts
18 Jul 2011 6:20PM
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Hi, my husband and I recently acquired a Solcat 18 trailer catamaran. We are just hobbyists and are not into racing, just looking for a few hours to get away from it all.
Because the boat is over 30years old, we have had a lot of trouble finding info on the rigging etc. Though it came rigged with just a few parts needing repair/replacement, we soon found out that the guy we bought it from must not have ever sailed it or figuered out how to put it all together.
The blocks from the boom to the aft traveller are different to the ones in the original set up and we are not sure if we have it set up right. In the original, it had twin (side-by-side) pulleys going up to two individual pulleys. We have a block set that has two vertical pulleys with one having a rope lock at the bottom.
We are not sure if we then feed this straight into the traveler block that is mounted or if we are supposed to integrate another rope in there somehow. I'm not even sure if I'm making sense, I'm trying to use sailing lingo from another lifetime and by now you may be picturing the rope coiling around the mast three times and around my husbands head five times (often I'd like to set it that way) . So if anyone thinks they can make sense of my jibberish and help me out, it would be much appreciated.

WA, 380 posts
18 Jul 2011 6:52PM
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Pics ??

QLD, 128 posts
18 Jul 2011 9:13PM
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If you can print out the attached diagrams and match it up to the blocks that you have it should all become as clear as mud.

I would think that the solcat 18 would have at least had a 6:1 purchase but it sounds like you have a 5:1 fiddle block system. Not the end of the world, but hard work if it gets windy.

For the traveller end, if your mainsheet is long enough you can simply run it back through the traveller cleat, through the traveller and tie it off to a saddle that will be located centre on the back side of the beam. If the main is not long enough, use another rope, will be about 2.5 to 3m long and about 8mm diameter.


VIC, 5904 posts
18 Jul 2011 9:25PM
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hi Batchook , I did like the bit about you wrapping the main sheet around the crews head five times !!! funny and absolute gold

have fun sailing , and as long as you can flatten the main out and jamb it , in a fresh breeze, so you can still release easily if required . All should be good.

but dont listen to a word i say ,because i no nothing about multi hull sailing!!

4 posts
19 Jul 2011 2:35PM
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planesailing said...

Pics ??

Yeah, pics. Not quality, just from the phone. They don't really show the twin pulley system i was talking about, except in the first shot, but its at a distance. I'll try to get more photos this weekend. Another question, there does not seem to be any way to attach the bottom of the mainsail on to the boom, the mainsail has an eyelet, but there is nothing on the boom for me to attach it to. Any ideas?
Sinking sailor.

WA, 380 posts
19 Jul 2011 4:25PM
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You might find that the tack of mainsail has a line from below that threads up thru the eyelet and down to the base, it is then pulled down like a cunningham in competition with the main halyard to obtain luff tension. I have similar with a small block on my laser. looks like a great project BTW good luck. and remember just because its not 100% right it shouldnt stop you "GETTIN OUT THERE!" and tearing around having fun.

NSW, 7584 posts
19 Jul 2011 6:35PM
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Most catamarans like this are rigged fairly similarly. I had a Prindle 16 just as a fooling around vessel. I downloaded a pdf file on how to rig a Prindle and found it helpful.

Search Youtube will also have all the info you need.

4 posts
19 Jul 2011 4:37PM
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brett221 said...


Handy site. By the looks of it, the boat would have originally had a set up like the '4:1 with dedicated winch' but without the winch, in the ABC configuration. We have the '4:1 fiddle' system and have now figuered out that we can lower the locking mechanism on the bottom block. We think that we should put a separate rope on the traveller block rather than the same rope from the fiddle block system going into the travel block which may be what you said in language a bit beyond me

SA, 2865 posts
19 Jul 2011 7:32PM
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Yep... and put it in "Solcat" there are several clips there and you will see how things are set up.

NSW, 7584 posts
20 Jul 2011 8:32AM
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Batchook said...

brett221 said...


Handy site. By the looks of it, the boat would have originally had a set up like the '4:1 with dedicated winch' but without the winch, in the ABC configuration. We have the '4:1 fiddle' system and have now figuered out that we can lower the locking mechanism on the bottom block. We think that we should put a separate rope on the traveller block rather than the same rope from the fiddle block system going into the travel block which may be what you said in language a bit beyond me

Performance cats generally use the tail of the mainsheet as the traveler adjustment, this gives the skipper one sheet only to worry about. If you use a separate sheet to adjust the traveler its going to be out of reach when you really need it.
Youtube and a wander around a cat club and you will see how its all done. Only real trick with a cat like this is getting the mast up, its heavy. Notice how the cat sailers rig with the stern raised so the mast has some forward angle to put weight on the shrouds.

4 posts
20 Jul 2011 7:02PM
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Select to expand quote

Only real trick with a cat like this is getting the mast up, its heavy.

That's the husbands job!!!


Forums > Sailing General

"New sailor" started by Batchook