Forums > Sailing General

Sabre Dinghy

Created by halfadevil > 9 months ago, 3 Jul 2011
WA, 74 posts
28 Sep 2011 8:13PM
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WA, 74 posts
4 Oct 2011 9:05PM
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EFYC had its opening day on Sunday which saw a fleet of 12 Sabres sailing for its first season. With anouther 6 already under production and 6 more people placing orders on the day, the fleet is building fast.

If you are interested in finding out why the Sabre is making such large fleets Australia wide or want to look at the Sabre to help revive your clubs dieing fleets, then come down on a Saturday to EFYC or PDSC and have a closer look.

1979 posts
4 Oct 2011 10:28PM
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What are the rules for building Glass Sabres? Do they have to come out of a mould?
I reckon it would be easy to build one out of pre laid up PVC panels.

WA, 74 posts
5 Oct 2011 9:10AM
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hoop said...

What are the rules for building Glass Sabres? Do they have to come out of a mould?
I reckon it would be easy to build one out of pre laid up PVC panels.

I would not see why not, I have a copy of the build guide that includes Fibreglass boats if you want to have a look, then let me know.

There are 12 fibreglass boats on back order just in WA at the moment and the boat builders can't keep up; with delivery dates of late next year. I know of a few other people also interested in fibreglass boats so a mould may also be worth while and I would be sure some members of the association would help towards the costs of the mold.

WA, 74 posts
10 Oct 2011 11:41AM
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WA is getting a fibre glass mould

To find out more contatc Hill Sails

WA, 74 posts
11 Oct 2011 10:54PM
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Hills Sails have recently acquired the moulds for Haselgrove Fibreglass Sabre Class Yacht. Within the next few weeks the moulds will arrive from Adelaide.

The hulls will be built by Mr Ben Lawrie, Complete Composites in O'Connor. Mr Lawrie is an experienced composite boat builder and will produce a quality hull that will be stiff and down to weight. Hill Boats – Sabres may be ordered through either Graham Hill on 0417 963 844 or Ben on 0422 304 307

Hills Sails is also importing 4mm gaboon (Okoume) plywood manufactured by Joubert in Europe. Joubert is one of the world's leading marine plywood manufacturers, producing plywood of the highest quality.

Hills Sails is fully committed to further developing fast Sabre Sails, boats and rigs that suit WA Conditions for all crew weights and sailing conditions.

1 posts
18 Oct 2011 2:01PM
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Hi All

For more information on building, buying and sailing a Sabre in WA. Please feel free to contact the Sabre Sailing Association of WA Inc.

News and information can also be found on our website and our Facebook page

Sabres are currently sailed at Perth Dinghy Sailing Club and East Fremantle Yacht Club on most Saturday afternoons starting October through to Easter.

The National Championships will be hosted at the Perth Dinghy Sailing Club in 2013/2014.

Sabre Sailing Association of Western Australia Inc


Forums > Sailing General

"Sabre Dinghy" started by halfadevil