Hi Ramona
The use is day sail and 2-3 day overnighter mainly in the Huon and occasionally in the Channel and normally with my wife as crew
Not interesting in racing it at all as i am commited to crew on the Jenneau for the forseeable future and quite happy to do this (Jeff the skipper jokes that us boat owners who crew on his boat instead of racing our own do it because we prefer to wreck his gear )
Conditions in the areas we sail are from 0 to 30 knots + and can change very quickly
The ability to point is important as in the upper reaches of the Huon the wind often is blowing down the river meaning mutiple tacks to get home on a reasonably narrow river without having to resort to the motor
Regards Don
I think the pretend one will suit us better
I have organised for it to be slipped, washed and surveyed on Friday so we will se what eventuates with that and afterwards we will take it for a motor and a sail
Regards Don
Hi all
It looks like we now own a Sailmaster 845
We slipped it today and had it surveyed and it all looks good
Took it for a motor and sail on a glorious Hobart winters day (11 degrees, squally rain and about 15 knots of breeze) and it sailed at around 5 to 6 knots
Regards Don
I had a feeling that you would soon became Sailmaster 845 owner, it is a nice boat. Congratulations.
Yes mate congratulations!
She looks like a nice boat and hope you will have a lot of fun poking about down there!
We had our first race in the new boat yesterday, had lots of fun and didn't manage to sink anything so all in all it was a good day
Regards Don
Nice shots Don, looks like you had a nice day!
Thanks for posting. Rainy and storms up here, so no sailing for me!
What can be better for a sailer than a good breeze and flat water!
That bottom photo looks familiar, and I think I have an old one somewhere from the same spot.
We did a S2H in '88 or '89, and then spent 2-3 weeks cruising. Got back to Sydney about the 30th of January.
I remember we went right up the Huon River, and spent a night or 2 at several spots.
As we were looking to anchor, (I think at huonville) a guy went past in his yacht and yelled we could have his mooring for a few days if we wanted. He was going up to Hobart.
We used his mooring and I seem to remember there was a nice pub in walking distance.
Great area, loved the sailing, and fishing. The sheltered bays seemed to be every where.
I do recall we were in full wet weather gear for much of the time and the temp was about 16 degrees in the middle of summer, snow on Mt Welllington. A few days later it was 28 degrees!
Yes I remember a very icy blast coming up the Derwent 1997, We went from a 1/2 ounce chute to a No3 and a reef in about 15 minutes! Also had snow on Mt Wellington, this is on New Years eve!
Hi Dave
Thanks for that
I think she is a nice looking boat (in a tradition way) as well in and out of the water and she sails quite nicely too
On the weekend the Huon club decided to get all of us who crew on other people's boats (wreck their gear instead of our own) in the racing season to race our own boats around the bay with the normal top skippers from the race boats as crew
We had a heap of fun and it was as competitive as the normal races we sail in
In the races I came in second (about a minute behind over a 35 minute course) to a Catalina 309 that is only a couple of years old, about 4 foot longer and around 2 ton lighter than Aqua Fae so I was pretty happy with how she went
When I bought this boat I was kind of regretting the decision to go up to a larger boat than the Spacesailer 20 (that I still have) but the more time I spend on her the more I am glad we bought her
Regards Don