Forums > Sailing General

Through the Power Maze - Yacht Electrics!!!

Created by cisco > 9 months ago, 27 Jun 2012
QLD, 12327 posts
27 Jun 2012 1:18PM
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As I promised many moons ago that I would scan and post the pages of the "Cruising Helmsman" June 2008 article "Through the Power Maze", today I finally got my bum into gear, scanned the pages and now post them here.

Certainly relevant at this point due to the other post requesting help with electrics on a Beneteau.


Edit:- Seabreeze is not uploading at the moment. Will try again later.

NSW, 201 posts
27 Jun 2012 10:24PM
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Definitely looking forward to your upload. The electrics I am about to tackle. I have an owners manual with a very nice schematic for the wiring diagram. When I poke my head behind the distribution board however I find an absolute beehive of wires. My brother is an electronic engineer and even he can't untangle the maze. So we intend to start afresh and clean up the whole electrical system.

QLD, 12327 posts
27 Jun 2012 11:00PM
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Sorry folks!! Still can't get the site to accept the upload, even one jpg file at a time.

I will persist!!

The article is really quite excellent with schematic diagrams and photos.

I have the pages scanned in pdf and jpg format. As far as I am aware the site does not accept pdf files.

After tomorrow, if the site will still not take the uploads, I suggest those that want the files PM me their email addresses and I will do a group mail out.

My computer is protected by AVG8 and I do not download from the usual or any file sharing sites so virus risk is very low to non-existant.

Catch you all tomorrow.

NSW, 7572 posts
28 Jun 2012 8:07AM
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HaveFun said...

Definitely looking forward to your upload. The electrics I am about to tackle. I have an owners manual with a very nice schematic for the wiring diagram. When I poke my head behind the distribution board however I find an absolute beehive of wires. My brother is an electronic engineer and even he can't untangle the maze. So we intend to start afresh and clean up the whole electrical system.

I would suggest either buying or borrowing a book called "The 12 volt Bible"

QLD, 12327 posts
28 Jun 2012 11:34PM
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Hi everybody,
Still can't get the site to accept the upload. I have PMd to laurie and greenpat regarding the problem.

Can't even get them uploaded one file at a time. Suggestions anybody??

Should I change the file extensions from jpg to jpeg??

As I have said the article is quite excellent. It is written by Bruce Meldrum who trained as an electrical engineer and physicist and worked at the CSIRO for 40 years at the National Measurement Laboratory and retired from pharmaceutical quality control.

He and his wife Sandy are Sydney based and sail a Jarkan 10.5. Anybody here know them??

I will keep trying to upload but will send the files to those who have requested by email.

The system is quite sophisticated and makes use of electronic controls very well.

I agree with Ramona that the book "The 12 Volt Bible" is a highly desirable reference book aboard any serious cruising yacht. Not sure if it is still in publication.

QLD, 12327 posts
29 Jun 2012 1:52PM
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The files are about 3 mb each and will not upload. There might be a copyright issue as well.

For anybody who wants them, message me your email address and I will send them through to you. Cheers.

NSW, 2140 posts
29 Jun 2012 3:05PM
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Could be the fact that they are 3mb each is probably what is stopping you from uploading. Most forums don't allow that much space and they usually also have a limit on total amount of Mb allowed.

QLD, 12327 posts
29 Jun 2012 10:23PM
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LooseChange said...

Could be the fact that they are 3mb each is probably what is stopping you from uploading. Most forums don't allow that much space and they usually also have a limit on total amount of Mb allowed.

It won't accept them one at a time even. I am sure it is to do with the file size as I have no problem uploading photos that are less than 1mb.

QLD, 12327 posts
4 Jul 2012 9:24PM
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Using that amazing little graphics viewer and editor "Irfanview", I was able to resize and resample the files and save them as much smaller files (about 200kb).

So let's see if they upload now.

Edit:- It seems so. I will post the first two here and you can view or copy the rest from my gallery.

NSW, 7572 posts
5 Jul 2012 8:33AM
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The previous owner of my vessel was an electrical engineer. The wiring behind the switchboards, there is two because of all the integrated stuff is all nicely labelled but its still a nightmare. There are also wiring diagrams too.

The trouble with most professionals wiring boats is they forget boats actually operate in moist conditions. Common sense is often more important. Use just a little bit extra wire so that there is a little loop below connection points so that moisture runs away from electric/electronic items. All too often I see cables and wires directing moisture straight too electrical stuff.


Forums > Sailing General

"Through the Power Maze - Yacht Electrics!!!" started by cisco