Southace they are coming up really nicely. I have a mechanic coming to have a look at my Yanmar tomorrow and while i am on the boat I am going to remove the metho stove for a good polish.
Does your pram dinghy fit on the foredeck? If so, Im interested in which design the dinghy is. Nice neat job on taping the seams by the way.
Hi Fiesta,
Not sure but I hope so. Funny but I hadn't thought about that 'til the other day. My concern up to then was that it would fit in my VW Transporter (which it should do comfortably) so I could get to the mooring. The dingy is a Catspaw 8 from B & B Yachts in he USA.
I have built a lot of dinghies over the years, usually for work. The last one I built was tailor made to fit in the back of a Falcon station wagon with the back seats down. Stitch and glue and similar to the one above. The trouble with boats this short is they can be a pain to row. I added a stringer outside on each side half way to the chine and built it up at the rear to give more keel area. On the rear of each stringer I added a SS bracket with a plastic wheel. The wheel acted as a keel extension while I was rowing and I had a SS handle bolted across the middle of the bow. Ashore I used the boat like a wheelbarrow. It was light enough for me to carry with the front thwart on my shoulder but for short distances only.
Looks awesome boatin.
I've been looking for one on eBay n gumtree and the marinas for a while and cant find one, let alone what I want.
Tossed up about making I'll have a new dinghy in the style I require but am put off by the whole " it'll cost more to make one than to buy one etc and take a bit of time"
Is that only for hopeless people that aren't good at making things?
Yeah yeah Dave, we know what you mean. You're a plumber now go and make one out of lead, after all isn't that where the name plumber comes from, plumbum, Latin for "maker of fine heavy boats"
Good part is....Its all soft so I can fold it up and put it in a suitcase. But I need a forlklift to move it.
Maybe this dinghy might be the go if you want something simple.
Its my next winters project........(It was to be this winter but sealing the cabin windows jumped the priority list). I can fit it on the foredeck when its too windy to tow it.
Might be better to spray the dinghy "Baby ****" brown. Make it patchy though and ensure you have a few prominent runs. Dinghies that look good get stolen!
Thanks fiesta
Yep looks nice in white.
Hay um....Where do you live boatin?
Thanks guys for the comments and just for the safety of everone it is guarded by my KILLER GUARD DOG
He is 8 1/2, just going a bit grey!
Coming back up the creek yesterday morning to the boat ramp a few yards from where that photo was taken. Dog was in that position when a red belly black snake swam across in front of the catamaran from the mangroves heading towards the wharves on the other side. I yelled to a couple of the locals there who splashed oars trying to get him to turn back. I rowed over and splashed him with my oars and the damn thing swam after me before turning back and headed off back to the mangroves. They swim extremely well! I knew there were lots of them in the area and the local residents always see them but it was the first time I had encountered one there. My mooring is a few yards out from this island which is well known for its snakes. I let my dog run along the shore several times a week so will have watch out as the weather warms up.
A baby brown, no thicker than your little finger and about 300mm long nipped my kelpie years ago and the Vet had to give him anti-venom.
Your fella has a good few years in him yet. Keep him away from the red bellies.
The good thing about Red Bellies is they are generally very shy and not aggressive, unlike a Brown which will actively chase you.
I can't remember if it is "if you Brown snakes you won't have Red Bellies" or vice versa.
But I am sure the two species don't get on very well together !
On a second thought Whiteout "are you trying to make us all jealous with the photo above. If you are you have done well !
I have another one of the same area, I used to live in Pittwater and moor at Taylors Point. But now I have to settle for the Whitsundays. You should come up and have a sail sometime.
That is certainly on the agenda.
With those great photos you should post them on
This is a free site and you can pin them in Google earth..
Worth a look.