Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews


Created by lookielookie > 9 months ago, 11 Oct 2008
QLD, 347 posts
11 Oct 2008 3:35PM
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Just had one of the best surfs in a long time. So i thought id put in online to "share the love".
I was down at Coffs at the end of last week and hooked up with Rod Hocker from "surf shapes". Nicest guy in the world. Took me for a paddle to test out some of his boards.
First board i jumped on was a 9' ripper. Fell in love instanly and bought it after catching my second wave. Jumping down from a 10'6 onto a 9' board was a little scary. But i swear on my mothers grave, its the best wave riding board i have ever used. It paddled great, there was no "tippyness" it was drivey without being to stiff. One word "amazing".

2nd board was a 10' nose rider style board. A little bit more to what i was used to. It had glide but you could still throw it around. NICE and SMOOTH.

Curiosity got me on the 3rd board. i didnt think i could ride it . A 8'7 quad. only caught 2 waves on it (ran out of time) but those 2 waves were sensational.
It was the same feeling as riding a 6'0 fish. It was a little harder to paddle than the 9'0, but then again i am 6' and 90kg.I bought this board on the spot as well.

Rod is a great surfboard designer and crafts man. His concepts and theorys on stand up board design are way way ahead of a lot of pop out china/thailand boards. I could have spent the whole day talking to him about board design.
If you are ever down coffs way or looking for a board that is a bit different to the current crop of china pop outs, give Rod a call and pop in for a coffee.

ill put some pictures up in a couple of weeks. Just want to dial the boards in so i dont look a complete kook.

NSW, 698 posts
13 Oct 2008 9:13PM
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Thanks Hilton



Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"9'0 SURF SHAPE" started by lookielookie