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Fanatic Allwave 9'2" or 9'6"

Created by Hooda > 9 months ago, 6 May 2013
NSW, 33 posts
6 May 2013 11:43AM
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I am looking to get my second SUP.

I currently paddle a 10'0 x 29 1/2" x 4" board coming in at 143 ltr.

I am looking for something that is easier to surf as my current board is more of a longboard type, having to constntly move up and down the board to force turns. It is also pretty tippy for me.

I weigh in at 105kgs due to too much time in the gym not enough in the water.

I have heard great things about the Fanatic Allwave and would like to grab one, however, I can't find a demo board anywhere? So I may have to buy one blind so to speak.

I was thinking that the 9'6" would be the go at 174ltrs? or maybe I should consider the 9'2" at 160ltrs?

Is that 14ltrs and 1/2" wider going to make much of a difference?

I'm a reasonble surfer and am able to use my existing board no worries, I just know that there are better options out there.

What do you guys reckon? or am I an idiot for buying without trying?

QLD, 2286 posts
6 May 2013 12:17PM
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Hi Hooda.
I am an older guy, 58yrs old, and weight around 90kg. I have surfed all my life and I ride an Allwave 9'6". I have had this board for a year now and find it works well for me in most conditions.
I am not a slasher and charger like the young guns but am more than happy with this choice of board.
The only change I have made is to take out the original 5.8" centre fin and replace it with an 8" FCS unit.
There are quite a few guys SUPsurfing the Noosa Points on Allwaves and I have heard no complaints.
Hope this helps.

VIC, 237 posts
6 May 2013 1:29PM
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9 6 sweet stick!
Had one 12 months now. I have moved on but my wife and son love it.
Will go back to it when it is too small for the 8 8 I am on now.

WA, 310 posts
6 May 2013 11:52AM
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at 105 you could ride either, but the 9.6 will be a tad more forgiving. im around your weight and ridden both the 9.2 and 9.6, but prefer the 9.6 most days. great boards for cruising. if you want a short performance type board for your weight, check out the lopez surf music 9 footer. probably the sweetest performing board on a wave face that guys our size can comfortably ride. 157 litre quad x 34 inches wide, stable as the allwave and surfs amazingly well. Its a pig to actually get into a wave on. the allwaves leave it for dead in their ability to catch waves early and easily, on the wave the Lopez is faster and looser. The allwave is the best board to improve your surfing on, as it is super easy to catch waves on, is pretty loose and is close to unbreakable. At 105 i'd be favouring the 9.6

QLD, 579 posts
6 May 2013 2:49PM
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I have (had a should say) a 9'2 and got it near on 100kg and never supd b4. i just sold it cause i found it too big to surf well. id go the 9'2 for u. 160l is ample and ur buying it to surf on a sup better that ur 10 footer.

I have also paddled the 9'6, but it is a big board imo :)

NSW, 33 posts
6 May 2013 5:42PM
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Thanks for your replies guys, really appreciate it.

But what are your opinions of buying before trying?

A friendly guy PM'd me but I am nowhere near Sydney so demoing his board is a tall order (cheers though Matt).

From what I gather there is not really that much difference between a 9'2" and 9'6", nothing that would make my SUPing a frustrating experience as if I went for the 8' Pro Wave.

So my understanding is that the difference between the 9'2" and 9'6" would be manageable after a few sessions on it (bear in mind I am currently on a 143ltr board).?


VIC, 1579 posts
6 May 2013 7:51PM
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I am 85 kilos. I have the 9 2 Allwave. I like it a lot for all the reasons people above have stated, but wish I had got the 8 10. The 9 2 is bigger and floatier than I need, by a fair bit. It goes really well.

I'd go the 9 2 in your case, as I reckon you'd be fine for float and stability and would appreciate the extra difference to your current set up.

2129 posts
6 May 2013 5:58PM
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Im 100kg and I have the 9'6 Allwave.

Seems pretty good to me, but I guess you could maybe go smaller???

Its reasonably turnable, but yeah its a pretty floaty bugger, so Im not doing snaps or anything, but can do a cuttie on it, and a floater etc. I like that its still long enough to try hanging 10 on - I did my first ever one the other day, was pretty stoked :)

QLD, 2286 posts
6 May 2013 8:04PM
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Hooda. If you are on the Sunshine Coast I would be happy to let you have a shot on mine. Alternatively I will be in the Byron area from Saturday for a while. Your profile doesn't say where you are.

2616 posts
6 May 2013 8:21PM
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I have been surfing the 9'6 Allwave for the past year...
yesterday I had a chance to borrow an 8'10 Allwave... I was immediately comfortable on it. It felt like home.

My point is... Allwaves are stable for a reason.... the design works! The way the thickness is carried to the rails, the bottom concave and the fuller nose and tail give it an incredible stability.

Since you have already been using a board of 143 liters... you know that you can "Float" ok on that... it's the width, rails and design that make your board too tippy for you liking.

The 9'2 would certainly be VERY doable for you, at 160 ltr the float will be much better than your current board and at 31.5 wide.... you will LOVE the stability improvement.

I am not comfortable on any 29.5" wide board (except a race board design).... but I am SUPER comfortable on the 8'10 Allwave at 97 kg... so comfortable that I was thinking 8'6... but I'm sticking 8'10.

I had actually ordered a different board... full carbon, new design by a popular brand... but after riding the 8'10 yesterday.... I called and changed my order to another Allwave.... GREAT boards for almost any conditions... and I LOVE how tough they are. An added bonus? I found that while the 8'10 was incredibly loose and drivable... it is still great to nose ride!

I will add a picture I took of my test paddle on the 8'10. It was windy and choppy, Full wetsuit, gear pack, paddle, etc... so my total weight was around 103 kg on board.... immediately relaxed enough to take out the camera and take pictures while standing idle, in bumpy water.

9'2 should be solid for you.... if you want to push it... you could go 8'10 and probably find it easier than your 10' x 29.5

ps... I bought my first Allwave without ever seeing one in person.... sometimes we don't have the luxury of demo's available.... maybe if you post your location, some breezer will let you try one.

VIC, 1174 posts
7 May 2013 5:55PM
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Hi Hooda. I'm 100-105 and find the 9'2" just right in all conditions. I'm going smaller if my back and weight allow it. It's not high performance but neither am I. If you really can surf then you'll love it. STC is spot on in his appraisal. Have fun

NSW, 33 posts
7 May 2013 7:02PM
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Thanks for the responses guys, I really appreciate it.

I'm still trying to get a demo on a 9'2" and a 9'6" before taking the plunge (afterall $1600 isnt loose change). A mate of mine is going to ask a guy at his work if I can try his etc so fingers crossed.

But ultimatley and going off what you guys have been saying either size wouldnt be the worst decision I've made.

Leaning towards the 9'2".

Thanks again.

2616 posts
8 May 2013 7:32PM
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I was unable to post the picture with my last reply... my screen just froze at the request????

Here is a shot of my first go on an 8'10 Allwave - about 103 kg including gear... 20 mph wind... 5 inch chop

OH.... I just found out something VERY cool about the NEWEST... in the ones coming in NOW...
They have a ledge handle!!!!! My friend (shop owner) says it is bigger and more comfy than JP's handle.....
BONUS.... I don't know if you are getting shipments of the latest Allwaves in OZ... but if you can... get the ledge handle version!

53 posts
9 May 2013 9:07AM
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Hey supthecreek, did you change your mind on the 8'8* JP wide pro and go for the 8'10" allwave?.
I've been reading the thread on the JP 8'8" pro and it looks and sounds killer! I've got the 9'2" allwave which is sooo crazy stable - almost too much board for me at 75kg. Although I do like it in choppy surf conditions as it allows me to hang out there.
Keep thinking a smaller and lighter board that I can throw around in small surf is what I need.
Such as the 8'8" JP, or 8'10" allwave, or 8'10" Starboard WP, or 8'5" simsup, or ?

2616 posts
9 May 2013 12:48PM
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Yeah Firesurf...
After losing lots of weight going "primal" I was ready for a serious board reduction. I loved my 2 previous Allwaves (9'10 & 9'6) I was really looking for a new experience and thought the JP would be a good bet. I had actually ordered one.

It just so happenes that a friend, who has an 8'10 Allwave, is laid up from shoulder surgery, so I have it in my grubby little paws for a lengthy demo.

The last 3 sessions I have surfed the 8'10 AW.... it did everything well. I loved my 9'6 but it was sluggish off the top so I was looking for less swing weight. The 8'10 comes off the top like butter... drives well off the bottom, paddles easily and is the proven super durable HRS construction. It is not as light as the JP but it feels light and snappy under my feet. Much as I would like to give the JP a go... I found the 8'10 AW just too compelling. It covers all the bases'.... so Allwave #3 it is. It's coming this weekend.

I will get to try some SimSUPs in the near future.... If they deliver the goods... I may have to find a way to add one to the quiver as well

53 posts
10 May 2013 6:58AM
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You having the opportunity to demo the 8'10" allwave and liking it removes the risk of buying a new board without ever trying it before the purchase. I'll be interested to hear more on your new allwave after you've put in a few sessions on it.

VIC, 1174 posts
10 May 2013 12:59PM
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Hey Rick/STC Supthecreek, Next you'll be on 7'6", 70 litre customs!!!! By the way we had perfect 3/4 ft. perfect glass yesterday afternoon, caught two of the best waves I've ridden in 35 years, makes for a very happy boy!!!!

NSW, 393 posts
10 May 2013 2:21PM
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I am 72kgs and demoed the Allwave 9'2" in December 2012 and found it pretty impressive in the waves especially after having a Fanatic Fly 10' for 2 years. Decided on the 8'10" Allwave and have had it since Xmas last year.

Find the Allwave very stable and pretty good on most waves I ride, which are between 1' to 4' at Umina Beach NSW. Easy to paddle onto waves and great to turn. I probably could have got away with a 8'6" Allwave but went conservative. Late take offs are not a problem. Nose diving is difficult to achieve but not impossible. A very durable nice board indeed.

I usually ride the Allwave in the waves almost all the time, unless it is too windy or there are really small waves, then I get the Fly out. There is a slightly different technique needed for each of the 2 boards. The Allwave is a lot easier to ride in most waves, but the Fly goes better when I put a sail on it in the waves, believe it or not. Think it is because the Allwave has a lot of rocker and Fly is flatter in the rocker line.

If you can, go the 9'2".

2616 posts
10 May 2013 12:23PM
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No Leroy... I like my comfort. That's why I stick with the Allwave... they have incredible ease and yet manage to perform very well. And they are tough.
I am really glad you scored some good waves! That will get you thirstin' for more! Any Pictures?

firesurf, I got 10.5 hours on the 8'10 loaner since Sunday. 3' point waves, and 2 days of 3 to 5 foot glassy beachbreak on a really good sandbar. At the pointbreak on Sunday the wind went bad after a bit, so I got to see how it was in challenging conditions.
I found it stayed very stable in chop, even 97 kg + full wetsuit. It paddled very easily, I had no problem catching waves. I liked it very much when the waves were clean... it was very loose, yet positive on the backside... when the wind changed, the waves were slop and it did ok... no speed demon in gutless junk, but it did ok for my first time on a foot shorter board.

Tuesday i got 4.5 hours of 5 foot glass. A perfect frontside sandbar. It was amazing. Really solid on the bottom turn... great projection .... pumps easily down the line from rail to rail. Cutbacks and off the tops were where it began to standout from my 9'6... the swing weight was gone and the board felt effortless coming around. The rails bury in all turns and feel extremely solid and carvy. Easy to make ankle adjustments while on the face... just a little movement got great response from the board... I am very happy with the 8'10... I can't wait to get mine... I will apply Re-Dek on the nose before it gets wet. I found that the 8'10 also noserides as well as the 9'6 (except for the slippey nose on the borrowed board)

All in all... I could not ask for a better board... and I looked at ALL of them. I wanted to try something new... but the 8'10 filled the wish list.
If I could only have one board... this would keep me happy in all conditions.

QLD, 395 posts
10 May 2013 3:35PM
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Would love to see some video footage of you guys surfing your All Waves!

QLD, 3340 posts
10 May 2013 4:58PM
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53 posts
11 May 2013 1:30AM
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Maybe I can swap my 9'2" for an 8'10" . Good review sounds like good times!

QLD, 1458 posts
11 May 2013 1:39PM
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I have owned a 9'2 9'6 and now ride an 8'10 Allwave .I weigh 80 kg at 64 and find it just right. I surf nearly every day so I'm fairly fit. I think the 9.2 might be the go for you.
It's a really nice board and is great for surfing , paddling and the nose stays up even on steep takeoff and pretty stable too. Hard to go wrong on an Allwave

QLD, 395 posts
11 May 2013 8:57PM
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Thanks fer the vid Paul!

53 posts
12 May 2013 1:31AM
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Rockmagnet, I'm a little lighter than you, and 55yrs. Are you suggesting to keep the 9'2"? or step down to the 8'10" allwave?

QLD, 1458 posts
12 May 2013 8:54AM
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I definitely would go for the 8'10 Allwave. The 9.2 was good, the 9'6 was slow in the water but the 8.10 rips. I surf Burleigh which is a steep fast wave and get more waves than ever on the 8'10. You would be happy with the 9'2 but you will love the 8'10. I changed the fins on mine to a set of 6'' From Shapers which totally changed the board.It gave me control of the board and loosened it up a lot.
I would have saved a lot of money as Jacko's advice from the start was the 8'10.

NSW, 33 posts
16 May 2013 12:15PM
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If you guys had to decide between the 9'6" or 9'2" what would you base the decision on?

I weigh 105kgs bonedry.

Surfed shortboards for years, looking for a board that will get me in to waves early but able to move around well.

Will be SUPing in windy small consitions as well as clean head high.

I just dont want to get the 9'6" and find it too sluggish or 9'2" and wish I had that extra glide into the waves......

Basically tell me what to get as I can't decide....HELP!!!!!

Thanks guys.

VIC, 1174 posts
16 May 2013 12:30PM
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9'2",9'2"9'2",9'2",9'2",9'2",9'2",9'2",9'2" I hope that's clear enough.

NSW, 33 posts
16 May 2013 5:13PM
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Whhooooaaaaa Leroy13!!!!

With that many smiley faces you may as well put a gun to my head, I cant argue with that! seem to be impartial in my other thread about travelling with my SUP saying there's little difference between the 2?

What about all those smiley seemed so sure!

1101 posts
16 May 2013 4:15PM
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I'm 93kg and have a 9ft 6 and been prone surfing for 5 years and SUPing 1 year.

Really like the 9ft 6 - easy into waves, stable and cruisey but can turn fast when you want. It is a good allrounder for most surf conditions and sizes. I could easy surf the 9ft 2 (and 8ft 10 on clean days) and it would be a bit better if conditions nice but on choppy windy days I'm pleased to have the 9ft 6 as I can hold my own well without getting too tired.

I'd just think about the waves you surf and what the conditions are normally like.....and of course base your purchase on what you reckon your skill level might be a few months/year down the line...add a bit of progression in the future.

Most folk seem to be very keen on moving down in size and that's understandable but having a solid allrounder for surf in your quiver is nice

If you've been shortboarding for years and reckon you might stick at SUP then I'd go 9ft 2...if you have decent waves.

VIC, 1174 posts
16 May 2013 9:07PM
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Select to expand quote
Slab said..

I'm 93kg and have a 9ft 6 and been prone surfing for 5 years and SUPing 1 year.

Really like the 9ft 6 - easy into waves, stable and cruisey but can turn fast when you want. It is a good allrounder for most surf conditions and sizes. I could easy surf the 9ft 2 (and 8ft 10 on clean days) and it would be a bit better if conditions nice but on choppy windy days I'm pleased to have the 9ft 6 as I can hold my own well without getting too tired.

I'd just think about the waves you surf and what the conditions are normally like.....and of course base your purchase on what you reckon your skill level might be a few months/year down the line...add a bit of progression in the future.

Most folk seem to be very keen on moving down in size and that's understandable but having a solid allrounder for surf in your quiver is nice

If you've been shortboarding for years and reckon you might stick at SUP then I'd go 9ft 2...if you have decent waves.

Hey Hooda, that's what I was trying to say.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Fanatic Allwave 9'2" or 9'6"" started by Hooda