New choice for SUP Paddles.
Kia Kaha Canoes & Paddles is a QLD based company which make all there SUP and Outrriger Blades on the Coast.
Kia Kaha Paddle includes Carbon or Carbon Kelvar shaft and carbon composite blade with a balsa wood core.
This is a very efficient blade with a good catch and clean release.
Currently one blade shape available at 9.5" wide, 17" long and an 8-degree angle.
Shaft lengths made to order.
We pride ourselves on being the leaders in Paddle design and have a few ideas in the pipeline for this summer.
We also are leaders in paddle individuality and have a range of sprays to choice from.
Contact us direct
Welcome to Seabreeze, Woogie and Jodie. It's great to have you here and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on all the different SUP topics.
These paddles look great. It's awesome to see a paddle maker who's putting some effort into asthetics as well as performance.
What do they retail for and where are they sold?