9'8"X28.5"X4"ish semi gun
Haven't been out in anything over 3ft yet, but goes well in small stuff and is quite loose in thruster mode (FF dolphin 6" centre PC5 sides). I've set it up as a quad now (Shapers PC7 front and Grom rears (PC2?)), swell is up and won't get much sleep tonight
Ohh Bill!!, is there anything better or more amping than a new shooter? She 's a beauty, give us the low down once youv'e got her wet.
Beautiful looking board , Tully really knows how to shape with an A grade tint as well , love the scooped deck. Interesting to see FCS single plugs in the front and fusion boxes in the rear ?
Hi Piros
Tully said he used Fusions to deal with the extra pressure that goes on the trailers.
Tully is on fire. He also made me a 8' 10" chunky version of Dogman's orange lava lamp and it's going really well for me. Bit embarrassed to post pics cause after I let Tully choose the colours it turned out - well, sort of an orange colour