Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Ledge" style carry handles

Created by enuenu > 9 months ago, 30 Apr 2013
NSW, 109 posts
30 Apr 2013 8:56PM
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Why are "ledge" style carry handles not standard on every SUP? Do Naish have a patent or are their other problems with them?

I'm a total SUP newb and an hour into my first demo day I realized it was a no-brainer that this type of handle makes carrying these beasts a huge amount easier. Surely SUPs have been around long enough for expert designers to realize this. I can't see any significant extra cost being involved either.

Maybe SUP designers have SUP slaves to haul their craft to the water's edge? I'm baffled. It must be a patent thing I am guessing, as it's too obvious that they are the way to go. I wonder if Naish could patent such a basic idea though. A bit like patenting the door handle.

On the plus side of all this, my fingers and forearms are now like those of a rock climber from carrying my non-Naish SUPs with my fingertips!

QLD, 30 posts
30 Apr 2013 9:14PM
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Believe it or not comfy handles are only a new development, showing up on brands over the past year. You'd expect all manufacturers will be on board for next years models.

QLD, 96 posts
30 Apr 2013 9:37PM
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I hope the 2014 fanatic falcon have this handle will help me carry it for sure.

NSW, 72 posts
30 Apr 2013 9:43PM
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I guess it depends how far you have to carry it, 100m or so isnt too much of a problem but anymore than that you would appreciate the comfort. Seems like it was not that long ago we were throwing boards on one shoulder as handles were non existant.

VIC, 17434 posts
1 May 2013 12:57AM
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They are good.. Naish have them.. JP also have the same handle.. Coreban have one very similar (maybe even better).. and SIC have another beauty.. Possibly the best.

I've heard Fanatic will have one soon... I wonder what Starboard will do and why it's taken them so long? .. also Surftech.. It seems like they are happy with the long center strap.


WA, 1313 posts
30 Apr 2013 11:25PM
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The most recently produced Fanatics have them and probably deeper and more comfortable than Naish's.

I think one reason for everyone not jumping on board is that they are actually two pieces put together, therefore it means another seam for something to go wrong and I have seen a couple come apart on both big and small name brands.

19 posts
7 May 2013 11:04PM
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I also kept asking myself the same questions about the Naish ledge carrying handle. Last September I was on a surf camp with Robby Naish and asked him if they have patent over the ledge handle and he said "No we have no patent and we are not interested in having one. Besides that the fee for such patent would be too high." He explained that it is more difficult and more expensive to install the ledge handle and this is the only reason why so many other producers are not using it.

Recently I bought a non Naish board and only after a few sessions I totally hated the handle and I asked a friend of mine to replace it with a Naish like handle which he made from fiberglass.

WA, 179 posts
7 May 2013 11:29PM
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Hi All. This another version of a carry handle. Saw it on their website today after I heard Sunova were now doing SUP's.

Bit different, will it work I wonder.

P.S. DJ, my 4th SUP is a Naish Hokua. Had it been my first sup it may have been my only one, what an all-rounder!

QLD, 355 posts
Site Sponsor
8 May 2013 8:47AM
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Fanatic do already one have one on their latest produced board. It is very similar to the Coreban handles. As DJ said there are other brand that also have varying handles which also do a great job.


QLD, 700 posts
8 May 2013 10:26AM
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They feel soooo gooood on the FANATICS so I can imagine it will be the same for all brands

VIC, 1298 posts
8 May 2013 4:17PM
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Could I just say I kinda like the handles the Starboard race boards have on them.

Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
8 May 2013 2:25PM
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DavidJohn said...
... I wonder what Starboard will do and why it's taken them so long? ...

No doubt whatever it is will be a "world first innovation"

Anyone tried modifying their handle with some kneed-it or similar?

VIC, 2098 posts
8 May 2013 5:02PM
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DavidJohn said...
... I wonder what Starboard will do and why it's taken them so long? .. DJ

Starboard are still trying to figure out how to put one at the balance point.

VIC, 5000 posts
8 May 2013 5:38PM
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sls said..

Hi All. This another version of a carry handle. Saw it on their website today after I heard Sunova were now doing SUP's.

Bit different, will it work I wonder.

supvader installed one of those on a board of his and swears by it. Looks good too.

VIC, 2098 posts
8 May 2013 6:12PM
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sls said..

Bit different, will it work I wonder.

Sunny King and some Surftech boards have those, they're pretty good to use but I wonder about the longevity, especially on heavier boards. IMO the Coreban handle is the best yet, although they can hold a bit of water and it can be a bit disconcerting when you're putting the board on the car and it all sloshes out on you .

QLD, 96 posts
8 May 2013 6:16PM
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Do you mean the new fanatics as in the 2013/2014 models that get released later in the year to have the ledge handle?

2593 posts
9 May 2013 2:19AM
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Kickels... I have an 8'10 being delivered this Friday... and it has a ledge handle. Same Blue Board... but they are coming in now with the updated handle

15 posts
9 May 2013 8:20AM
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I got my Fanatic Allwave two weeks ago and it has the ledge handle. Love it!

angie pangi
QLD, 1779 posts
9 May 2013 11:22AM
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Some boards in the last Fanatic shipment had the new handles but not all, any new boards that come in from now should all have the new handles. I'm pretty sure the next fanatic boards to arrive will be the 2014 models later this year!!

NSW, 149 posts
9 May 2013 11:33AM
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The SIC handle is worth a mention. Apart from onshore use, it is also very easy to get a full hand grip and whip the board around and remount if you've fallen off in choppy conditions. You can even store a bag of Allens Snakes in it.

NSW, 109 posts
10 May 2013 7:20PM
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petedorries said..

They feel soooo gooood on the FANATICS so I can imagine it will be the same for all brands

Looks like I bought my Fanatic SUPs 6 months too early. Doh! Now I have the dud handle to contend with. Oh well, been a great first few months SUPping.

TAS, 202 posts
13 May 2013 12:50PM
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HI all,

i just ordered a few of those liftsup pull out handles, i will post up some pics when they arrive.
I like the look of them.

Got them from:

They were easy to deal with via email and respond fast to queries

Cheers Chris

QLD, 700 posts
13 May 2013 1:24PM
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enuenu said..

petedorries said..

They feel soooo gooood on the FANATICS so I can imagine it will be the same for all brands

Looks like I bought my Fanatic SUPs 6 months too early. Doh! Now I have the dud handle to contend with. Oh well, been a great first few months SUPping.

Your not alone. My board has the old handle. I just have been lucky enough to carry a new 14 footer now and again. And the 8 foot board too.

QLD, 2816 posts
13 May 2013 7:22PM
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I think its great that fanatics HAVE GOOD HANDLES.

2593 posts
14 May 2013 5:34AM
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Picked up my 8'10 Allwave this weekend... The handle is soooo much better than any I have seen.
I live in New England = thick winter gloves... every board I have had till now, I had to jam my gloved fingers into a handle and hope my fingers held out till I got to the car.

The new fanatic "Ledge" handle is wide, deep and the finger pockets are big enough to hide things in.
I am really thinking about velcro in the other side of the handle too carry my lip sunscreen in... it's that roomy.

If the new posting setup would allow actually have a "select" button, I would post some close up pics of it... it's simply... the best.

2593 posts
18 May 2013 12:04AM
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ok... seems like the "select" button is working... so here are the promised shots of the new Allwave "Ledge" handle
I wondered if it would be TOO big when walking around on the board... not an issue... and I have surfed 27 hours on it in good waves.

29 posts
22 May 2013 3:18PM
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The new boards from Hobie are now coming through with the ergonomic style of grip too, and also feature a leg rope pin for an alternative leggy attatchment.



Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

""Ledge" style carry handles" started by enuenu