Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

jp 12'6 sportster

Created by laceys lane > 9 months ago, 24 Apr 2013
laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
24 Apr 2013 9:13PM
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i was asked if i would like a paddle on the jp 12'6 carbon sportster- sure. i'm probably the first aussie to put their grubby feet on one

12'6 x 29" carbon build, 234 litres

i did my usual time trial. this board very quick. going with the tide its as fast as any other board any size going with the tide. one of my best times ever

the combined time with paddle back rates right up there.

remember, this board is 29" wide!!!!!!.

easy to paddle too and can accelerate even when at good speed. i would say don't let the term 'sportster' let you think it a plodder. its fast as, it rates in terms of speed and be dammed if i've come across any board at 29" anywhere near as fast.

i was really super surprised.

going to take it out to our ocean session tomorrow.

no chrispy, its not mine its a demo board

here's some photo's i took with the phone

last shot is the bottom side of the nose. its a very short displacement where the nose rail waves up then back down

WA, 24860 posts
24 Apr 2013 7:19PM
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any good for flat water cruising LL

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
24 Apr 2013 9:22PM
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62mac said...
any good for flat water cruising LL

bloody oath it is. unreal shape when you stand on the board and the water just peels away

VIC, 17434 posts
24 Apr 2013 9:22PM
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Looks pretty good.

Is the bottom flat? any V? .. any concaves?

Where's the hand on the rail pic? ..

More importantly.. Where's the 'on the barbie' pic?..


laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
24 Apr 2013 9:29PM
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DavidJohn said...
Looks pretty good.

Is the bottom flat? any V? .. any concaves?

Where's the hand on the rail pic? ..

More importantly.. Where's the 'on the barbie' pic?..


nothing like that dj. just a very clean effective shape. as i said the underside nose rail waves up and down over a foot and half or so to give it its displacement. that probably the one real different thing i can see!!!! oh the nose to mid board outline just seems about perfect. seems pretty flat across the board.

i've got the feeling it might have been put through a computer 'flow test' or something like that

NSW, 903 posts
24 Apr 2013 9:38PM
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Patience grasshopper there will be a video and a few posts as it is the latest JP

QLD, 4177 posts
25 Apr 2013 12:05PM
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Could be a good board for those of us on the heavy sideIve had my eye on a sic 12,6 , will have to demo one of these.

QLD, 437 posts
25 Apr 2013 4:02PM
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So how did it go this morning? My Lahui Kai doesn't come with rear vision mirrors

QLD, 4177 posts
25 Apr 2013 6:44PM
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rager said...
So how did it go this morning? My Lahui Kai doesn't come with rear vision mirrors

CheekyLacey is a 100 years older than you

QLD, 437 posts
25 Apr 2013 6:46PM
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teatrea said...
rager said...
So how did it go this morning? My Lahui Kai doesn't come with rear vision mirrors

CheekyLacey is a 100 years older than you

I don't think Rob's DC came with them either.

QLD, 3954 posts
25 Apr 2013 6:47PM
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rager said...
teatrea said...
rager said...
So how did it go this morning? My Lahui Kai doesn't come with rear vision mirrors

CheekyLacey is a 100 years older than you

I don't think Rob's DC came with them either.


QLD, 4177 posts
25 Apr 2013 7:03PM
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seriousley so many boards out their to choose from , I wonder who JP will target to race their boards?My take is probably not much difference at all between the models , just need to find one thats suits your weight and style

A serious question for those who know , say your 95kg and your mate is 85KG your on the same board , obviousley the heavier guy is going to displace more water right , or create more drag? So how do you overcome this with design? make the board for the heavier guy more bouyant?

QLD, 3319 posts
25 Apr 2013 7:13PM
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teatrea said...
seriousley so many boards out their to choose from , I wonder who JP will target to race their boards?My take is probably not much difference at all between the models , just need to find one thats suits your weight and style

A serious question for those who know , say your 95kg and your mate is 85KG your on the same board , obviousley the heavier guy is going to displace more water right , or create more drag? So how do you overcome this with design? make the board for the heavier guy more bouyant?

In 2014 the answers are here!! It's going to be a good year!!! That's all I can say.

QLD, 3954 posts
25 Apr 2013 7:23PM
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Not sure who JP is targeting but as you probably know tea tree I have been on quite a few different boards lately.

What I have learnt is that from an average paddlers (ie me) perspective the fast guys are not just faster. They also paddle narrower faster boards and being stronger, fitter, better technique and endurance on these boards as a regular guy on a regular board you have no chance in any way shape or form. Even if your paddling improved out of sight unless you get a faster board you are going nowhere.

I think there's less difference between the hull speed of the same board with 10 more kilos paddling it than there is between a 95kg guy on 29 and a 85kg guy on 26 or 27 even with the same design. Of course you have to consider stability and what you want to use it for. What's the solution to your question? If you want to keep up with a fast mate, train lots and paddle on the fastest board you can stay upright on.

QLD, 4177 posts
25 Apr 2013 7:32PM
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CMC said...
Not sure who JP is targeting but as you probably know tea tree I have been on quite a few different boards lately.

What I have learnt is that from an average paddlers (ie me) perspective the fast guys are not just faster. They also paddle narrower faster boards and being stronger, fitter, better technique and endurance on these boards as a regular guy on a regular board you have no chance in any way shape or form. Even if your paddling improved out of sight unless you get a faster board you are going nowhere.

I think there's less difference between the hull speed of the same board with 10 more kilos paddling it than there is between a 95kg guy on 29 and a 85kg guy on 26 or 27 even with the same design. Of course you have to consider stability and what you want to use it for. What's the solution to your question? If you want to keep up with a fast mate, train lots and paddle on the fastest board you can stay upright on.

Yeah mate that all makes sense , let me put it another way. you have two guys one 95kg the other 85kg same fitness level same ability same board shape.Would the heavier guy be better off with the same design board only more litres so he displaces less water?

QLD, 4177 posts
25 Apr 2013 7:33PM
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paul.j said...
teatrea said...
seriousley so many boards out their to choose from , I wonder who JP will target to race their boards?My take is probably not much difference at all between the models , just need to find one thats suits your weight and style

A serious question for those who know , say your 95kg and your mate is 85KG your on the same board , obviousley the heavier guy is going to displace more water right , or create more drag? So how do you overcome this with design? make the board for the heavier guy more bouyant?

In 2014 the answers are here!! It's going to be a good year!!! That's all I can say.

I cant wait untill 2014 mateDo tell!

QLD, 3954 posts
25 Apr 2013 7:40PM
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teatrea said...
CMC said...
Not sure who JP is targeting but as you probably know tea tree I have been on quite a few different boards lately.

What I have learnt is that from an average paddlers (ie me) perspective the fast guys are not just faster. They also paddle narrower faster boards and being stronger, fitter, better technique and endurance on these boards as a regular guy on a regular board you have no chance in any way shape or form. Even if your paddling improved out of sight unless you get a faster board you are going nowhere.

I think there's less difference between the hull speed of the same board with 10 more kilos paddling it than there is between a 95kg guy on 29 and a 85kg guy on 26 or 27 even with the same design. Of course you have to consider stability and what you want to use it for. What's the solution to your question? If you want to keep up with a fast mate, train lots and paddle on the fastest board you can stay upright on.

Yeah mate that all makes sense , let me put it another way. you have two guys one 95kg the other 85kg same fitness level same ability same board shape.Would the heavier guy be better off with the same design board only more litres so he displaces less water?

I'm far from the expert here but the board speed from my understanding is more of a factor of surface area and design with overall litres being less relevant to what is below the waterline. This does not take handling into account obviously.

If you added litres through added width you add surface area and drag. It's more complicated than that though with design efficiency. If you make it longer you add waterline and add speed. If you make it thicker you gain nothing as its above the water.

QLD, 700 posts
25 Apr 2013 7:41PM
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CMC said...
What's the solution to your question? If you want to keep up with a fast mate, train lots and paddle on the fastest board you can stay upright on.

And stop the smokes....

QLD, 3319 posts
25 Apr 2013 7:43PM
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When myself and chase were doing some testing a little while back chase being 90kg and me a huge 73kg we were pretty even on whatever boards we were on, if I was faster on one board when we would swap over he was then faster. What does this mean? Was he working harder than me or was I working harder or does it not really make that much difference? Between chase and I weight did not mean much.

Going narrower is not always the answer as well and I'm sure plenty of companies will work that out if they do there testing right.


QLD, 3954 posts
25 Apr 2013 7:44PM
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petedorries said...
CMC said...
What's the solution to your question? If you want to keep up with a fast mate, train lots and paddle on the fastest board you can stay upright on.

And stop the ****....

Stop the boats? I knew you were an Abbott kind of guy.

QLD, 700 posts
25 Apr 2013 7:46PM
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the F.A.G. word must automatically come up like that

QLD, 3319 posts
25 Apr 2013 7:49PM
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petedorries said...
the F.A.G. word must automatically come up like that

You had too many stars and dots!! Confused the **** out of me.

QLD, 4177 posts
25 Apr 2013 8:09PM
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I must be a dumb **** , ok . You have two ships one carrying lots of weight the other empty , same ship same fuel source same power. The lighter ship is going to go further and faster , right! So wont making the board thicker not neccessarily wider be the answer for the heavier pay load? Any way what i want is a board that will magically make me very fast with very little training , and allow me to continue some bad lifestyle habits

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
25 Apr 2013 8:21PM
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would have to say the board's definitely a flat water board.

QLD, 3319 posts
25 Apr 2013 8:23PM
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teatrea said...
I must be a dumb **** , ok . You have two ships one carrying lots of weight the other empty , same ship same fuel source same power. The lighter ship is going to go further and faster , right! So wont making the board thicker not neccessarily wider be the answer for the heavier pay load? Any way what i want is a board that will magically make me very fast with very little training , and allow me to continue some bad lifestyle habits

Maybe you should buy one of those ships?

QLD, 700 posts
25 Apr 2013 8:25PM
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and an "S"
U know....smokes
come on

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
25 Apr 2013 8:29PM
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you know you guys are pretty rude. i was asked to try the board and i thought it went pretty fast in the flats. so i posted that. if i didn't like it i wouldn't have.

no it didn't go fast in the ocean. i just wanted to try it

now we have lh, nsp and fanatic people openly going the board.

would be a totally different thing if some had a shot at lh, nsp or fanatic wouldn't.

disappointing to say the least

QLD, 3319 posts
25 Apr 2013 8:38PM
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laceys lane said...
you know you guys are pretty rude. i was asked to try the board and i thought it went pretty fast in the flats. so i posted that. if i didn't like it i wouldn't have.

no it didn't go fast in the ocean. i just wanted to try it

now we have lh, nsp and fanatic people openly going the board.

would be a totally different thing if some had a shot at lh, nsp or fanatic wouldn't.

disappointing to say the least

Pretty sure I've not bagged any board at all? Maybe bagged Pete and he deserves it!! Pretty sure it the guys you paddle with giving you a ribbing

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
25 Apr 2013 8:42PM
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paul.j said...
laceys lane said...
you know you guys are pretty rude. i was asked to try the board and i thought it went pretty fast in the flats. so i posted that. if i didn't like it i wouldn't have.

no it didn't go fast in the ocean. i just wanted to try it

now we have lh, nsp and fanatic people openly going the board.

would be a totally different thing if some had a shot at lh, nsp or fanatic wouldn't.

disappointing to say the least

Pretty sure I've not bagged any board at all? Maybe bagged Pete and he deserves it!! Pretty sure it the guys you paddle with giving you a ribbing

QLD, 3954 posts
25 Apr 2013 8:44PM
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paul.j said...
laceys lane said...
you know you guys are pretty rude. i was asked to try the board and i thought it went pretty fast in the flats. so i posted that. if i didn't like it i wouldn't have.

no it didn't go fast in the ocean. i just wanted to try it

now we have lh, nsp and fanatic people openly going the board.

would be a totally different thing if some had a shot at lh, nsp or fanatic wouldn't.

disappointing to say the least

Pretty sure I've not bagged any board at all? Maybe bagged Pete and he deserves it!! Pretty sure it the guys you paddle with giving you a ribbing

I think you're reading too much into it mate. Like Jacko said you might find its blokes you paddle with giving you a ribbing which it is. I never bagged the board either, I know the shaper and eat and drink with him when in the same country.

QLD, 700 posts
25 Apr 2013 8:45PM
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And I only want to see Andrew stop the ciggies. Oh and the coke (I mean the cola kind Teatree). Cos' otherwise how ya gunna beat CMC now he has shaved down.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"jp 12'6 sportster" started by laceys lane