Can anyone tell me what is the best shape for BOP's 12'6?
I'm just getting into the sport and trying to work out the best shape for all conditions (flat water, bumping or punching over surf, spinning around the buoys and surfing the wave back in!!!!
If so why aren't 12'6 not shaped like surf life saving clubbie boards?
Cheers P.S Photos would be great!
This is a how long is a piece string question , have a look at these video's and photos from previous post. You may no see it but alot of these boards have been designed off a clubbie board.
for some its the one they dont have.................
check out dolphin, lahui kai for locals, naish etc make pop outs that go good....
at the end of the day, new designs are doing well as are old....its the motor not the boat
The clubbie boards are built for in and out paddling, but they are also designed for "parallel" paddling (butterfly stroke), or Australian Crawl paddling, which is a vague equivalent of the "alternate side kayak paddling".
On a SUP we stick to one side or the other for a longer period, and I think those cutting / piercing SUP noses are definitely the go in flat water, and BOP (Battle of the Paddle), as they help to act like a front fin, and help keep the board on track.
JonesySUP, regarding best shape for BOP, have a look at the Naish Catalina as a starting point. They feel quick.
Also hunt around for more pics of the Bark 12'6. Or DC 12'6 made on the Goldie.
Riviera 404;
My 12'6" Deep looks very much like a clubby race board too. Probably why it is so fast and stable - due to decades of R&D.
The designer of the Starboard race boards, Brian Szymanski is a world class paddle board designer and manufacturer. Take a look at the Surf Race 12'6 and you can see the prone paddle board influence straight away. I love mine - light, fast and stable.
My Money is on the Fanatic in the 12.6 class, look at the reviews and race results from the states. They also handle a huge variation in weight range for the rider and are very stable to paddle.
What works for a 60kg person may or may not work for a 110kg rider. The other factor is narrow boards are fast but only if you can stay right side up long enough to get to the finish line.
Discalimer: I have no relationship to Fanatic but i know how to read race results and use google!
Certainly a SUP must be wider for balance (Much higher CG than a kneeling or laying down clubbie mal) the clubby mals are usually shaped from 10'6' X 20inch wide foam block which would be ridiculous for a SUP.