The first episode about Californian Jodie Nelson's "Paddle with Purpose". Her 40 mile Stand up Paddle from Catalina to Dana Point this Sunday 28th March is an effort to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer.
Thanks Sue,
That's a great vid.. That's a big paddle and for a great cause.
It's good to see her training methods and I hope others paddle with her along the way.. I wish her luck.
I lost my Mum to breast cancer.
Good Luck to Jodie,
I have a sister that is recovering from Breast Cancer and another sister that has Ovarian Cancer. I have seen the pain that this disease can inflict on a family.
Fantastic Cause,
I wish her success in her endeavour.
I lost my mother, father and 2 aunties to cancer.
If the paddle only gets one additional person to get a check up or donate to research then its one step forward towards a cure.
Well she did it....Jodie Neslon crossed the 40 mile Catalina Channel all in the name of Breast Cancer. Congrats! She raised over $10,000. Well Done Jodi!
And a whale stayed with her for over an hour...check out this vid.