Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

A 6'6" board

Created by SupaTrooper > 9 months ago, 6 Jun 2013
QLD, 243 posts
6 Jun 2013 9:07PM
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Whose got the smallest board out there?

NSW, 2151 posts
7 Jun 2013 10:11AM
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Annie surfs well!

I made one for my then 12yo son who is only about 32kg. It is 7' x 24" but not a round nose (so effectively shorter) plus it is only 60 litres max.

QLD, 613 posts
7 Jun 2013 11:12AM
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great to see your young bloke on a board that's suits his weight,we will end up with another young champ.
annie is 48kg and her normal board is 7'2"x26x3and a tad, no nose quad and 65ltrs,the board in the vid is rods prone fun board and she just tried it for a lark,we took it back to noosa and it works great on the points when its small.
that was the first time she has ever surfed a twinfin anything.she is going to try his 5'10"x25" twinny in October when we go back to coffs.

NSW, 698 posts
8 Jun 2013 12:19AM
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I also make a 6'10 x 26" x 70 ltrs for the heavier folk.

These boards love junky wind swell and are a great transition board down from your regular SUP board.

Plus the kids get to go SUP boarding on Dads 4.5kg epoxy "Maladjusted" twinfin surfboard.

NSW, 698 posts
8 Jun 2013 12:21AM
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Also my avatar pic is me surfing a 6'3 x 24" x 60 ltr board when I was a younger more agile lad at my fave spot

5031 posts
7 Jun 2013 10:28PM
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goatman said..
Annie surfs well!

Yes, and it is interesting to see her getting confidence wave after wave...

QLD, 613 posts
8 Jun 2013 7:06AM
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yes colas it was interesting to see that happen and after a few more surfs on it annie is starting to work it out,the 7'2" quad she picked up the same day weighs in at 4.8kg with fins and deckgrip.

NSW, 698 posts
8 Jun 2013 12:53PM
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Annie with her two new boards

NSW, 7 posts
8 Jun 2013 1:36PM
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Nice boards Rod
Where's the flex tail version?

NSW, 698 posts
8 Jun 2013 2:53PM
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here you go Smithy

8'2 x 29.5"x 115 square tail with Reactive Rocker and Squirt Tail

QLD, 613 posts
8 Jun 2013 3:02PM
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flextail next on the list.

NSW, 844 posts
8 Jun 2013 11:31PM
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I'm 75kg

QLD, 613 posts
9 Jun 2013 6:35AM
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boardbumps said..

here you go Smithy

8'2 x 29.5"x 115 square tail with Reactive Rocker and Squirt Tail

what do you weigh in at smitty,how do you find the flextail works?

NSW, 7 posts
9 Jun 2013 12:17PM
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G'day First Point
I weigh a good 100 kg and have no trouble paddling the 8'2 around bumpy Cabarita Pt.
The flex works good too.I find it turns tighter and gives some nice drive thru the turns

NSW, 144 posts
9 Jun 2013 12:18PM
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Smithy weighed in at 150kg's before he had a haircut now probably 120
Watching smithy at shoal bay titles on the first small day his board had surprising speed and momentum for a big guy riding it .
The board looked very interesting.

NSW, 513 posts
9 Jun 2013 11:48PM
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7-10 flextail This is my 7-10 flextail im 95kgs have riden it from 1-8ft smooth,choppy fat, sucky it loves it all.

NSW, 698 posts
10 Jun 2013 12:34PM
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Just for anyone that is interested,

Gregs board is 7'10"x 31.5" x 117 ltr, full gloss resin (traditional ) finish with deck, pad quad fins and Armour Rails 7.3kg.

According to current SUP design theory this wide a board does not surf very good.
You all should se Greg rip up the point surfing tight in the pocket.
I have half a wave on video but got rained out before I could get more waves.
I have flattened the rocker tail off a bit for more drive and speed.
Full round house cutties are easier now with the extra speed.
The Squirt Tail still lets you surf really tight in the pocket the same as my rocker tail designs.

A bit off subject, but it is still a small board.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"A 6'6" board" started by SupaTrooper