Great morning unfortunately not much wave action , young Tim was hacking of the top , so too was Goatman
That Goatie is a weapon I like his style , very powerfullLike to watch him in some juice.He doesent waste speed with those silly tail slides
He looks to build some momentum and then hit it hard.Very impressive in some very average waves.Young Tim also looks to be a surfer who digs in the rail.I hope Huey throws up some juice for you guys.
i had a look after lunch. the surf was puke, but the level of surfing was very high
on a sad note, someone gave dogman the microphone again
So whats the news the surf is crap and I notice the comp site is being pulled down?
No waves on the weekend,no swell and northerlies, so I was going to watch the comp whats on this weekend and where please?
just saw a picture of jackson close be chaired up the beach by 2 qld baseball players.
looks like he won.
ps don't know how the baseball team went