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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Advice on trim of a downwind board

Created by Snowie > 9 months ago, 10 Jan 2013
NSW, 149 posts
10 Jan 2013 12:20PM
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Looking to get into downwinders and ocean racing more and just picked up the SIC Bullet-14 fixed fin on Monday and had a couple of flatwater paddles and wanted to tap into the wise heads on seabreeze about boat trim.

Noticed from a FB pic just how far my nose is raised up on the new board, which has a lot of rocker. I'm used to a Javelin which is the complete opposite. Admittedly, I was probably a half step behind the handle at the time the pic was taken. The handle seems to be the balance point on the bullet.

I have moved forward and aft to experiment but I haven't had it long enough to work out where to stand to get the best speed on flat water as yet. I'm about 82-83kg and it is a big volume board (296L).

Would be keen to get some advice on how much to get the bow down. Also, does it matter if there is lift in the tail and should I move the fin forward as far as it can go so it is fully in the water when I move forward?

Thanks for any advice.

NSW, 635 posts
10 Jan 2013 12:41PM
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i have the same "problem" with my 17foot glide, i find it has a substancial amount more rocker than flatwater boards, as i also paddle flatwater on it i find that it doesn't matter to much where you stand but i do like to stand a little further foward than i would regularly just to get the nose down a little bit, this also helps if your paddling into chop, as i find with a great amout of rocket and the boards being so long they tend to bounce more of the chop and thud on the next on and it slows you down, you can try moving the fin foward and seeing if that would help you i spose, you will love the board when you start downwinding on it though
hope this helps


NSW, 149 posts
10 Jan 2013 12:50PM
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Jradedmondo said...
i have the same "problem" with my 17foot glide, i find it has a substancial amount more rocker than flatwater boards, as i also paddle flatwater on it i find that it doesn't matter to much where you stand but i do like to stand a little further foward than i would regularly just to get the nose down a little bit, this also helps if your paddling into chop, as i find with a great amout of rocket and the boards being so long they tend to bounce more of the chop and thud on the next on and it slows you down, you can try moving the fin foward and seeing if that would help you i spose, you will love the board when you start downwinding on it though
hope this helps


Yeah, I would move forward in that case (again opposite of the Jav where I'd need to stand back and lift the nose in chop).

My photo looks like I've got 2' out of the water. Seems way too much for flatwater.

I should say I've done OC1 & OC6 for a number of years and have a fair swag of ocean experience. Different kettle of fish though.

VIC, 8020 posts
10 Jan 2013 2:25PM
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I'm no expert, but you can try 2 things;

1) Stand at the handles, paddle hard (on perfect flat water) and quickly look behind to check there is no wake caused by a "bogging tail". The tail should be just flush with the water. Maybe have a spotter (another paddler) to help you find that flush spot...

2) Borrow a Garmin Watch, or use Nike+ for running on the iPhone... To help gauge your speed... standing in a few different spots.

Also, the board naturally has rocker, and where you are standing in the photo actually looks about right. Bad/small photo though...

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
10 Jan 2013 2:33PM
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Snowie said...

Looking to get into downwinders and ocean racing more and just picked up the SIC Bullet-14 fixed fin on Monday and had a couple of flatwater paddles and wanted to tap into the wise heads on seabreeze about boat trim.

Noticed from a FB pic just how far my nose is raised up on the new board, which has a lot of rocker. I'm used to a Javelin which is the complete opposite. Admittedly, I was probably a half step behind the handle at the time the pic was taken. The handle seems to be the balance point on the bullet.

I have moved forward and aft to experiment but I haven't had it long enough to work out where to stand to get the best speed on flat water as yet. I'm about 82-83kg and it is a big volume board (296L).

Would be keen to get some advice on how much to get the bow down. Also, does it matter if there is lift in the tail and should I move the fin forward as far as it can go so it is fully in the water when I move forward?

Thanks for any advice.

hi snowie, i've had a 17'4 bullet, a 12'6 bullet and have paddled a 14' bullet. i've got a carbon 14' bullet on order to compliment a new narrower lh 14' being made now.

the lh is my f/w, in's and outs, moderate dw board with the bullet being for the big stuff.

fast comfortable board in real dw conditions- stand back and surf

the lh is designed to have a lot of the nose in the water and dwing it can go under with the least affected speed out of any board i've ever paddled.

the bullets are a different matter altogether. there is no point in moving forward burying the rocker and creating drag up the front especially in the flats. they aren't designed for flatwater so don't lose too much sleep. i reckon somewhere over the handle is the best spot for the 12'6 and 14. the 17'4 back a bit.

one thing you need to do on the bullets dw ing is stand back as much as you when on a runner.

they go faster. no other board does this like the sic bullets


NSW, 149 posts
10 Jan 2013 4:57PM
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All good advice. Thanks for letting me tap into your collective experience. I guess the only reason I'm using it on flatwater is to get a feel for it before I d/w. Sounds like LL almost has a full cartridge of bullets there.

Only one question now - what is the lh? I thought I'd seen 'em all.

VIC, 3516 posts
10 Jan 2013 6:33PM
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lh = Lahui Kai?

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
10 Jan 2013 8:02PM
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OG SUP said...
lh = Lahui Kai?


QLD, 2037 posts
10 Jan 2013 8:33PM
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G'day Snowie he BULLET is not a flatwater board OK Snowie just wait for some 20-25 Knot Winds and take it for a test run I guarantee you'll get so excited you'll wanna pull ya pants down and fire a rocket. Have a listen to good friend Mark Raaphorst

This is my Bullet I love this SIC Board it's a custom 17'6'' NOT FOR SALE I got second to Dave Kalama in the 2010 Molokai Race in the over 40's SOLO stokeds

Surfing Maliko

Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
10 Jan 2013 9:07PM
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hey downwinder, what you rekon about the 2 versions of the 17'4" bullet? Seems to be some agrument about which one is the better board? V1 or V2?

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
10 Jan 2013 8:43PM
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yeah, is it true you didn't like v2 some much

Cam Gillies
SA, 216 posts
10 Jan 2013 9:14PM
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Scotty Mac said...
hey downwinder, what you rekon about the 2 versions of the 17'4" bullet? Seems to be some agrument about which one is the better board? V1 or V2?

The V1 is a much more versatile board heaps better for getting vert and popping the odd air. Most people are raving about it as a quad but personally I prefer it as a thruster.... nah just kidding, they all built for speed......

QLD, 2037 posts
10 Jan 2013 8:49PM
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Scotty Mac said...
hey downwinder, what you rekon about the 2 versions of the 17'4" bullet? Seems to be some agrument about which one is the better board? V1 or V2?

G'day Scotty Mac
the V1 is a very fast Board. If you like speed go the V1
the V2 is slower but the Glide is much longer. If you like Glide go the V2

Mark accidentally made me a custom 17'6'' V2 last year 2012 I liked the board it went really good in the Pai'lolo Channel. But I like the V1 better because I like speed. Mark has sold the V2 and is making me a Custom Blue and White camouflage V1 for July 2013

Yes Please Mr Wizard

QLD, 2037 posts
10 Jan 2013 8:53PM
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Scotty Mac said...
hey downwinder, what you rekon about the 2 versions of the 17'4" bullet? Seems to be some agrument about which one is the better board? V1 or V2?

V2 17'6'' BULLET in action Maliko Run

NSW, 149 posts
11 Jan 2013 10:45AM
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This post has gone fully sic bros.

You guys are killing me though. Getting all this info before I can do the deed is like taking viagra just before your girlfriend calls to say she has to work and can't come over. Yeah, I trawled the net on these and the videos had me keen to try one out. As fate would have it a board came up for sale the next day.

Any of you guys keep using the stock fixed fin? Seems okay to me. I like how you can step back and lean on the rail to deepen the turn.


QLD, 11 posts
11 Jan 2013 10:38AM
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I bought a new 14' SIC Bullet just before Chrissy & loving it. Did a fun downwinder from Manly Wharf to Spit last week. I'm keen to do more stuff like this, perhaps a Pittwater run if anyone else is keen?


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Advice on trim of a downwind board" started by Snowie