Thanks for all the updates on the placings. Slowly getting there but it seems there were a lot more mistakes in the official results than I first thought.
So far I've found at least 12 paddlers that had the wrong times/placings. That's 30% of the total competitors, which isn't the greatest advertisement for RaceTec Timing.
Here's the updated results page. Can't guarantee it's 100% but it should be a lot better than the official results:
If you know of anyone else in the wrong spot let me know.
I'm sure it's easy to make mistakes with this kind of technology, but hopefully the organisers either figure out how this happened or go with a different timing system next year. Interesting to hear it happened in the Duel as well.
I don't wanna be a whiner, but the least you deserve when you pay to enter a race is to know where you finished. Whether you were first or last, like Stimo said, bragging rights are important!
Who paddled on Sunday Dave? Would have been another good run as that wind filled in. Looking good all week actually.
What has worked well before for us is to have a basic low def no frill video camera stationed parallel to the finish line and running from when the 1st person is across the line to last person across. Play back the hard drive and your away.
Most of the time you can pick out who's who from the vid and the timing from the time stamp.
Not so good for splitting the 1/100 of a second finishes but may probably have solved most of your problems.
Those results are spot on chris
Great event and i will be back next year.
Thanks to everyone invovled
X angie
Some photos from the finish line, missed the top 9. Middle of the fleet only!
In order of finishing (hopefully this is correct!), approx arrival times shown
(Marcus Tardrew) - 3:28PM
(DC) -3:34PM
(Steve Walker 3:37PM)
(Galvo - 3:39PM)
(Ben Tardrew 3:40 PM)
(Angie 3:42PM)
(Roger Goodwin 3.44PM)
(Michelle England 3:45PM)
(Pete Pridmore 3:46PM)
(Molly Walker 3:47PM)
(Cameron McKay 3:50PM)
(Jackson Shaw - 3:52PM)
(Alison Fullagar - 3:54PM)
(Scott McCluskey - 3:57PM)
(Scotty McKercher - 3:59PM)
(Greg Kerr - 3:59PM)
(Me - Pete Baldwin - 4:01PM)
Thats all folks.
Cool pics baldy. In the one of me Andy Davies must just be out of frame. That woulda been hard finish to pick without the chips;) good onya Chris for goin to the trouble to sort out.
Great photo's guy's, I don't have any action shots but here are some shots of the SUSS crew getting ready.