Here's my Merimbula 2011 souvenir , this was the sticker that was stuck on my unit door across the road from the comp.
I think it's GOLD , proud place on my laptop lid.
The SUP OFF Stickers were printed for 2 brothers in Merimbula & were only local to the area. What started off as a serious issue for the guys, ended up being a bit of a locals recognition thing & pizz-taker. We're all mates down here.
If that's the sticker that was taken from the car - then it's from a fulla travelling thru & stopping off for a surf at your break.... Nasty treatment from a welcoming committee.... The guy wouldn't have had any ill-intentions. Guaranteed...
is a "SUP off" kind of like a "walk off", only with bigger bellies, slower drawn out moves and less make up?
Yes Piros, a few of us boys at Port Stephens have these stickers on our Sups and longboards for a laugh as some boys can be a bit anal around here so we thought we would mess with them, Very Australian I thought to pull the piss out of ourselves first.
Do I have any dislike of ANY board or Board type Ollie?????? no mate , they all have their own interestingness or purpose (izzat a word?) whatever it be.
Stickers on cars? pffffffft .....
Someone's printed 'em up to make some coin , someone else bought them and provided that coin.
Now the people who operate these craft - well that's a different story mate sometimes
ive got one of those stickers on my car, ha ha. not sure who stuck it on but its pretty funny. i have no issue with sups, just some of the tools that ride them, mals, goat boats, kneeboards and shortboards. its the pilot thats the problem.
if you hog the waves and dont take your turn on any craft your asking for a mouthfull IMO. and if you touch others property your asking for a mouthfull of knuckles. poor form mate weak gutless effort touching someone's gear.