This year SUP at the Whalebone will take on a different perspective, in years gone by there has been a point-to-point race, however this year the organisers have approached us as to what we would like to do. So this year running off the success of the recent BOP races at Denmark and Avalon for the State Rounds there will be a series of BOP races run on the Sunday (14th July) of the Whalebone. The course will be set up on the day dependant on conditions, however given the location there will most likely be a series of 3 short course races, so you can race 1,2 or all 3 depending on how you feel.
Entry forms can be downloaded here:
or picked up from Stand Up Surf Shop in North Fremantle.
Although the entry forms state 12'6 as the board class, entry is open to anyone and everyone and depending on numbers of entries we may then create divisions.
There are always food and coffee vans at the contest site and with the raised vantage point will make for excellent viewing so bring the whole family down.
Although online it says the entries closed on 5th July you can still enter for the BOP Race. This date was for the longboarders so they could get an indication of how the schedule would be looking.
Speaking to the organisers this morning they have also managed to work in a break in the finals of the longboarding to run the BOP, meaning all eye will be on us.
Entry forms from here:
or in store at Stand Up Surf Shop, North Fremantle.
So we've entered... should be a laugh!
Do we need to register on Friday afternoon or will it be ok to rock up Sunday morning?
Hey Cam,
Do you know a rough time for the race start, I am working sat night so just weighing up if I can make it.
No need to check in on Friday just on Sunday morning.
The organisers have cleared a spot for us in between finals at 10:30, so registration will be at 10 with a 10:30 start for the first race.
If you haven't got you entries in it is not too late, you can still enter on the day. Conditions will determine the course.
I wasn't to excited about doing bop in these conditions but big thanks to the boys from standupsurfshopfreo laying a sweet course and making it fun for all of us who braved the cold!
Bo and I enjoyed watching you guys battle it out in what were obviously at times very exhausting and difficult conditions. A great effort by all involved and a great event for spectators..thrills and spills.
Thanks to everyone who came down and raced and also those who helped out in time keeping and registration. Also to those who came down and watched which added to the spectacle and apparently provided some running commentary for others on the beach.
Although the conditions were not ideal I think everyone enjoyed themselves and we can count this as another successful BOP race.
Highlights for me (although heart breaking) was Jacko's wave on the first lap taking him from fourth to first and with a nice turn as well also Galvo coming second on the Avanti! Just goes to show the quickest board is the one you can stay on.
Given the success of this and other recent BOP races, there will be an exciting announcement at next weekends SUP WA Annual Dinner regarding BOP in the future.
Sorry about the quality but here is a few shots, the 4th shot shows Galvo's big Avanti best and I think photo's 5 and 6 were BT's wave that the board was fully pearling then popped up, I pretty much missed the nose under shot though.
As you can see there was a few coloured tops in some of the pics as there was a longboard comp going on as well.