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BOP update

Created by angie pangi > 9 months ago, 14 May 2011
QLD, 4177 posts
15 May 2011 8:11PM
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laceys lane said...

teatrea said...

Jake Jensen finished 23rd i think , 15 years old i think he was in the top 10 for a while and lost his board.( no leggie DOH)They where stuffing his name up to Lol calling him fielding jensen.He lives in fielding street

Proud Uncle

Well done every one else too

he is going to go places. i knew he would be up there early, just a matter if he could hang on.
he has been on a race sup for not much time, another year, same place- i'll be looking forward to that teatrea

Yeah mate good effort from the kid , he was pretty devoed he lost his board and lost a heap of places , but good thing is he stuck at it and made up quite a few before the finish.Training along side some of the best paddlers around he can only get better.Of course he got all his talent from his uncle

NSW, 2159 posts
16 May 2011 6:19AM
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Hey guys here are a few more pics of the event. Have to say it is without a doubt one of the most exciting races I have seen. With Andy up in the top 10 for the first two laps and Jacko mowing him down from about 20th place, along with all the other Aussies all doing so well and the local Hawaiin crew who are all pretty tight with the Aussies, it really made for an amazing event. The atmospehere at the change over on the beach was just incredible.

The fact that Jerry Lopez supports and races in these events is awesome for the sport. Also an amazing effort - it was a hard race. Throw in the girls who lapped many of the men, the younger crew like Riggs, Conner Baxter etc and you realise just how inclusive this sport is!

Candice Appleby. Winner in the womens 3 times in a row!



Kelly, the realisation of coming 5th!

This young kid was right up there!

Riggs and Connor. For a 17 y.old flyweight, Connor smashed it!

Winning board!

Kawiki Carvalho won the Open race on this 14' PSH.

Kawaiki - you couldn't meet a nicer guy. The spirit of Aloha!

New Naish 12'6 - these boards looked fast!

Riggs, ready for anything

Just watching the crew pack up the trucks with boards stacked 5 high to head up the coast for the down winder.
Should be another exciting day!

VIC, 17460 posts
16 May 2011 7:12AM
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Thanks for the pictures Andrew.. Great shot of Andy, Travis and Danny..

And thanks for the pics of the new Naish 12'6" boards.. I wonder if the Jamie Mitchell fins are standard?

That 14' PSH looks fantastic also.. What a great event.


NSW, 2151 posts
16 May 2011 8:32AM
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Great pics AA - didn't know you were going over lucky buggar! Well done to all the aussies, shows we are right up there with the best.

VIC, 3982 posts
16 May 2011 12:56PM
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Great finish to the relay. Connor Baxter anchoring for Team Starboard chased down a 100m gap to the female rider for Travis' C4 team. Caught and passed her on the last stretch with some wave assistance. That new Starboard Race is damn mouth watering. Hopefully it works for people who don't have Connor's tank or skills. Speaking of which, the 404 team finished well back so that says something for Danny Ching's superior paddling more so than the board I guess.

QLD, 248 posts
16 May 2011 1:04PM
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Congrats everyone, great results, great photos.

Has there been any results from the Ke Ala Kai Loa (Hawaii Kai Run – start from Maunalua Bay). I believe this started at 11.00am US time so it should have been done by now...

Ali Cat
QLD, 1205 posts
16 May 2011 1:15PM
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BoardGirl said...

Congrats everyone, great results, great photos.

Has there been any results from the Ke Ala Kai Loa (Hawaii Kai Run – start from Maunalua Bay). I believe this started at 11.00am US time so it should have been done by now...

Caught some of the live coverage, so only got some overall results - nothing split into board classes yet as far as I know?
Danny Ching won the mens and Jenny Kalmbach the womens.
Aussies in the top 10 overall were:
Travis Grant - 6th
Andy Davies - 10th
Angie Jackson - 10th

In the relay, Travis's C4 team came in 2nd, beaten by Connor's Starboard team. Sorry don't know any more placings than that, but I think I saw Kelly's Lahui Kai team up near the top as well.

QLD, 248 posts
16 May 2011 1:49PM
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Thanks Ali Cat.

Have been scouring the net and have found the following which has the unofficial results at the bottom as well as a short interview and highlights from BOP.

angie pangi
QLD, 1779 posts
16 May 2011 3:29PM
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So stoked here are todays results that i can remember, the aussies did SO WELL!!

Relay race out of 35 teams i think.
2nd - Travis grants team
3rd - Kelly's team
7th - Jacko, Simone, Macca, Steve walker
10th - Mick, Sondra, Steve quiller, Jakey

Distance race

1st - Travis Age Group
3rd - Steve Quiller Age Group
3rd - Angie Age Group (Stoked to come 3rd against Heather and brandi!!)
1st - Jake (Beat riggs!!)
1st - Andy Davis Age group
3rd - Jacko Age Group

I think i have it right, sorry if i missed anyone.

XX angie

Ali Cat
QLD, 1205 posts
16 May 2011 3:32PM
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Some pretty good results there - congratulations to all the crew!!!

Jake will definitely be one to watch in the future, to do that well after only paddling for a couple of months!!! - give him another year and I reckon he could be challenging the likes of Connor and Slater.

QLD, 7932 posts
16 May 2011 5:47PM
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Well done Ange and Jacko and the MIGHTY Steve and everyone else. Dont think the commentators will ever call him Grant Travis again. love when Aussies rip it up against the world

QLD, 798 posts
16 May 2011 6:21PM
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This Press release from Jodi Wilmott of Ocean Promotion

Waikiki, Oahu, HAWAII - (May 15, 2011) -- California's Danny Ching returned to the winner's podium today at the Rainbow Sandals Gerry Lopez Battle of the Paddle. Ching finished the 9-mile Hawaii-Kai to Duke Kahanamoku Beach downwind race in a stand-up paddle record time of one hour, 20 minutes and 27 seconds - almost five minutes faster than his winning time last year. The win earned him $1,100. Second place was Georges Cronsteadt (Tahiti, 1:21:50); and third was Maui teenager Connor Baxter (1:21:58).

Australian Travis Grant, winner of the grueling elite course yesterday, finished sixth overall (1:24:28) but was the first home in the shorter 14-foot rudderless class.The women's distance race was won by Big Island's Jenny Kalmbach (1:37:53). A total of 168 paddlers completed the course that was presented by Quiksilver Waterman Collection.

Ching was paddling an 'unlimited' 17-foot race board with rudder steering system. Cronsteadt was riding a 16-foot board without a rudder - technically harder to ride in the moderate tradewind and swell conditions. It didn't help that he became entangled in a fishing net at the start of the race and was passed by the rest of the field. But Cronsteadt is famous for his ability to read the ocean and find every possible surfable bump and fought back to within 300 yards of Ching by the finish.

"I went unlimited so I definitely had faster equipment with the longer board and the steering system," said Ching. "The steering system is huge. (Travis) went fixed fin and still was right there so unfortunately he wasn't on unlimited today.

"The race wasn't too technical for the most part. The beginning was flat and then it started to pick up a little bit. The only thing you could do at the beginning was sit in the waves so I was able to rest a lot in the beginning and fortunately at the end it picked up and the board worked great and I got away from everybody."

Travis Grant was very happy with his performance despite his choice of equipment: "For the first part of the race I was right there with Danny. At that point I began to wonder what might have happened if I'd paddled an unlimited board! But it's all good I was stoked to finish in the time I did - that's a great time for a 14-footer."

For Cronsteadt, the race was challenging from start to finish: "It was a hard race. I had no rudder on my board and just tried to catch a lot of waves and I came second. I'm happy. (With no rudder) you have to use your legs, all your body, your mind and you have to focus about every wave so I think it is different. No excuse, just go, go, go, push, push. Just after the start line my fin caught some rope and I stopped for one minute and everybody (went by) so I tried to relax and catch a lot of waves and I came second place, so I'm happy."

Jenny Kalmbach rounded out a greet weekend of racing with her win today and second place yesterday, totaling $2,050 in prize money. Known for her epic long-distance paddles between Hawaiian islands, a nine-miler would normally be a walk in the park, except for the fact that it came one day after the rigors of yesterday's elite battle.

At one point Kalmbach said it crossed her mind she might not finish: "It was a tough race...I thought it might get to that point. It was just hard out there, especially after yesterday. Yesterday we all battled and that was a tough race. Today there were three of us side by side and it's frustrating when you're that close because you just have to keep pushing, you can't get comfortable. Luckily, coming around the point, I managed to catch some bumps and separate myself (from the others)."

Candice Appleby, winner of yesterday's women's elite race, finished fifth today in a time of 1:41:49.

There was another great turnout from the Napoleon family in the distance race, with three generations represented. The legendary Nappy, 70, finished 121st overall. Thirteen year-old Riggs placed 31st, and his father Aaron came in 11th overall.

Hawaii Kai-Duke Kahanamoku Beach Downwind Race Results:


1st - Danny Ching, CA - 1:20:27
2nd - Georges Cronsteadt, Tahiti - 1:21:50
3rd - Connor Baxter, Maui - 1:21:58
4th - Bart De Zwart - 1:23:57
5th - Scott Gamble, HI - 1:24:09


1st - Jenny Kalmbach, Kailua-Kona - 1:37:53
2nd - Rachel Bruntsch, CA - 1:38:10
3rd - Laura Birse, Honolulu - 1:40:08
4th - Heather Baus, Puerto Rico - 1:40:19
5th - Candice Appleby, HI - 1:41:49

234 posts
16 May 2011 6:05PM
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All the results from the weekend:

VIC, 17460 posts
16 May 2011 8:43PM
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Did Danny Ching paddle the Naish 17' Glide like last year or a custom 404 board?


VIC, 3982 posts
16 May 2011 9:12PM
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DavidJohn said...

Did Danny Ching paddle the Naish 17' Glide like last year or a custom 404 board?


I think it was a custom 404 - he said in the post race interview that he only attached the rudder kit on Friday and paddled for the first time in the race.

NSW, 1612 posts
Site Sponsor
16 May 2011 9:32PM
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Big congrats to Travis and Andy. 1st and 2nd in the 14ft class.
Usual high standard for Travis but how about Andy. If you're ready this then I hope having a beer or 2 feeling a little bit stoked as that is an amazing result. Bring on Maui!!

NSW, 544 posts
16 May 2011 9:43PM
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yeeeww andy great result !!! im having a beer or 2 for ya .


Big congrats to Travis and Andy. 1st and 2nd in the 14ft class.
Usual high standard for Travis but how about Andy. If you're ready this then I hope having a beer or 2 feeling a little bit stoked as that is an amazing result. Bring on Maui!!

NSW, 2159 posts
16 May 2011 10:06PM
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Big congrats to Travis and Andy. 1st and 2nd in the 14ft class.
Usual high standard for Travis but how about Andy. If you're ready this then I hope having a beer or 2 feeling a little bit stoked as that is an amazing result. Bring on Maui!!

Yeah Sam! It was pretty amazing being on the beach today. Travis was in top form as usual. After yesterday I figured both Andy and Jacko could hold top ten but when I saw Andy coming in not long after Travis (the first 14'er) and 10th overall I was blown away. Jacko was not far behind. There will be lots of stories to tell but the fact that Andy rode two different borrowed boards, both days was pretty impressive.

The winning 404 board in the down winder - what a machine!

Andy Davies - first in his age division, 2nd behind Travis Grant in the 14' Class. 10th overall! Just one of some amazing performances by the Aussie crew!

I also though that not being a competitor would be pretty boring. How surprised I was. The atmosphere on the beach at the change over was just incredible. The team relay was as hectic and adrenaline pumped as any sporting event I have seen. This format is definitely a winner in the spectator department!


Even more hectic!

Team winners! The C4 team had this race in the bag until 16 year old Connor Baxter mowed them down in the last lap!

Awesome event!

NSW, 204 posts
16 May 2011 11:31PM
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Well done Andy Davies! Go the Northern Beaches Boys!

Great effort and awesome results to all the Aussies!

Thanks AA and Angie for the excellent updates!

NSW, 769 posts
17 May 2011 7:57AM
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Awesome effort by all ..... especially Andy when I first meet this guy at the Mambo there was something special about him ,and it's now showing on the world stage .... well done mate!


QLD, 6995 posts
17 May 2011 9:13AM
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Amazing effort by the Aussie crew , great to see Andy get up there considering he trains on his own. Great shots and story Andrew makes you wish you were there.

NSW, 378 posts
17 May 2011 12:07PM
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great show aussie crew!!

NSW, 2151 posts
17 May 2011 12:11PM
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Brilliant effort Andy!!! Congrats to all the Aussies!

NSW, 1080 posts
17 May 2011 1:37PM
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Awesome results mate, well done.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"BOP update" started by angie pangi