Please note this is just feed back on my SIC f18 Downwind SUP not to talk myself up.
Paddled my f18 flat water ocean board today from Bilinga to Nth Burleigh total distance 11km
( this is my back yard SUP training Downwind Run )
Conditions:- ESE winds 15 knots one foot of SE swell
In these small average ocean conditions the f18 is the fastest Unlimited Downwind board I have ever paddled in Australia. Got some fun unbelievable runners STOKED that went for BULK the nose of my f18 was like a Hound Dog just kept on sniffing out the runners UNREAL.
I did the 11km in 56:38 minutes. (& fell of twice )
& yes there are guys in Australia that would smash this time!
My fastest ever SUP Downwind time was at Maliko on Maui this year 2010. Conditions were Pumping 15km in 63:00 ( breake in down to 11km in 46:20 )
This is my Garmin 310XT GPS reading
Slit Time Distance Speed
1km 5:13 1.00km 11.5km/h
2km 5:11 1.00km 11.5km/h
3km 5:11 1.00km 11.5km/h
4km 4:56 1.00km 12.2km/h
5km 5:12 1.00km 11.5km/h
6km 5:17 1.00km 11.3km/h
7km 4:57 1.00km 12.1km/h
8km 5:12 1.00km 11.5km/h
9km 4:59 1.00km 12.0km/h
10km 5:07 1.00km 11.7km/h
11km 5:12 1.00km 11.5km/h
TOTAL 56:38
I love going Downwind SUPing when I'm with someone or when I'm by myself when the surf is blown out.
see ya in da ocean
that's pretty good phil. tell me, would you put the bullet somewhere inbetween the f16 ans f18- sorta like a medium conditions board or is that off the track
Good work. Well over 11kph for the whole run and over 12 average in parts. How does the f18 feel and what about balance?
Just got myself a GPS - now if only I could figure out how to use it....
Anyway, we had a 10km on the dot downwinder last week in Cape Town where Chris Bertish came in just ahead of me and my average speed was 11.6km/h - only problem (for me) was he started 5-8 minutes after official time-keeper had started us and overtook the entire field - his average speed was in excess of 13km/h!
We both used Glide 14's - and it was gusting to 35knots.
From my limited downwinder experience unless I would say unless your paddleing in an indoor pool there really is no point to keeping times or km averages as the variables are far to many. Even flat windless days you still have tides, currents, rips (just to mention a few) effecting your times
Great work DW ,Just how do you download the info and bring up the maps?
I've just bought the Garmin 310xt ,and it's a great watch .But I'm finding it hard to gather the info and display it like you have.
Are you coming to the Mambo?
If so I would appreciate (over a few beers) on how to work the damm watch properly !
I read Kalama had done average speed of 16km/h on a dw-run - so that's what we're aiming for here - not sure if it can be done here as we're on wind-swell more than ocean swell due to direction. But nice to know those times can be done. We keep track of our times so we can learn why times improve/deterioate - I agree it's somewhat pointless comparing them from one run to another, but having some benchmarks lets you understand how a different line, equipment and conditions affect your times.
Next week we should have a few more 30knot plus days and soon we'll start having 40+ days as well - will keep you posted.
Is it true that people buy the f16-18 etc because the name sounds like a fast jet plane. There for it makes you go faster, especially the red one's?
have no experience with down wind runs but find the info and feedback interesting to read. Ocean paddling not for wimps IMO.
Green thumbs for DW from me!
cheers froggo
Molokai sounds like the biscuit - I'd imagine it's because your riding actual ocean swells and not just windswells like us.
Chris max gps speed is 22km/h so definately slower here.
We do have a run in False Bay (home of Seal island and jumping Great Whites) which has the ocean swell running with the wind so maybe we'll be quicker there.
Sic boards do sound great , i went for a purely flat water paddle last night by moonlight and my GPS clocked 4.8Klm in 37Min top speed 18Kmh average speed 7Kmh.
I know ive got some improving to do , just started training regular , wish i could get to Jackos sessions in the morning , but work dictates otherwise.But night paddling is very cool expecially with a fullish moon.