Casso you are too kind mate! You went pretty darn good yourself!
Dan - the goofy - has only been riding about 6 weeks!
Great job on the video Matty, even edited it
HAHA!! You boys KILLED it!! The mal's out there had no reply! haha.... thanks for showing me up at my local
... means ill have to up it a bit! [}:)]
... Maybe drop from 1st rock on a solid 6ft day perhaps??[}:)]
love the casso plant at 1:54... haha.. had to add that in!!
For dan to be surfing the point after 6 weeks is AMAZING!! especially goofy!! Its a blimmin Tricky wave when its shallow and sucky like it was! would love to see him on a 4ft day!!
Hitting it again i the morning?? im out til Monday atleast...
you boy's should zip up to the goldie. the wide bank alley is in awesome form at the moment. had a mate of mine saying yesterday was as good as it gets there- he was prone surfing
well done matty great stuff boy i wish you had my latetake off to nose dive on the video that was too funny
casso and john were surfing really well the video dont do it justice from the water angles i had and yeah we were all on 93 rippers!
Great Vid Homeally,
Like the floater at the end, would be great to see Casso and the boys fire up next weekend but alas work calls
Sweet video. Loved it. I watched it twice hehehe.
Good luck with the knee.
Hey what camera are you filming with?
Great quality.
Nice vid thanks.. I love the sun-behind bits like at the 50 second mark.. and thanks for not editing out the falls..
Great little vid! That wave where someone drops in on Goatman was tops.
Was an awesome weekend in Sydney!