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Billy Watson Floater

Created by Piros > 9 months ago, 15 Apr 2010
QLD, 7076 posts
15 Apr 2010 10:49PM
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Just going the some of my Noosa pics check out this sequence shot of Billy and check the guy out in the water in the last pic........

NSW, 1610 posts
15 Apr 2010 10:55PM
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QLD, 7076 posts
15 Apr 2010 11:02PM
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some more


NSW, 1610 posts
15 Apr 2010 11:25PM
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there sick great quality

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
16 Apr 2010 8:49AM
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check how wierd billy rocker looks on his board in the 2nd and 3rd piccie

nice work piros and co.

QLD, 4177 posts
16 Apr 2010 8:57AM
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Hey Dogman you need to get a different helmet mate , red and green should never be seen.

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
16 Apr 2010 9:06AM
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you know it

cracked it a bit more 2 days ago after getting nailed taking a heavy drop

eating it and head butting the board on the way down

then getting thrown around like a rag doll then connecting the board again with the head and shoulder this time really hard!!!!!!!

and then hit the rocky bottom and got pinned for a bit

red hides the blood

QLD, 4177 posts
16 Apr 2010 9:14AM
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Heavy , its time like those ill bet you dont care what colour the helmet is.
Ive hit my noggin a few times , luckily nothing seriously hard , ive been thinking of a helmet for the bigger days.


tha dogman said...

you know it

cracked it a bit more 2 days ago after getting nailed taking a heavy drop

eating it and head butting the board on the way down

then getting thrown around like a rag doll then connecting the board again with the head and shoulder this time really hard!!!!!!!

and then hit the rocky bottom and got pinned for a bit

red hides the blood

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
16 Apr 2010 9:43AM
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yer its paid for itself so many times

the crew watching me eat it were stunned that my head was still on my shoulders

JB Mel
QLD, 297 posts
16 Apr 2010 4:05PM
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teatrea said...

Hey Dogman you need to get a different helmet mate , red and green should never be seen.

The saying is actually 'blue & green should never be seen' then continues........ 'unless there's something in between' which in Dogman's case, there were plenty of colours in between with those borrowed boardies!

For those who don't know Dogman blew the *ss out of his own boardies in an earlier session!

Thanks for the pics Piros - they are unreal!

And glad to hear you survived the more recent ordeal Dogman!

NSW, 80 posts
17 Apr 2010 6:15PM
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YEEW! Ripping it up Andy!

Got anymore C4 pics Piros???


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Billy Watson Floater" started by Piros