Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Breaking a neck, 4 months later...

Created by fver > 9 months ago, 11 Jun 2009
WA, 453 posts
11 Jun 2009 9:59PM
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A short sad story with a happy endind :

Some of you, SUP Fanatics , might remember that four months ago, I was immobilised in a hospital bed wondering if i would move again... (

A few days ago, I was fully enjoying the fun of my SUP board between Lancelin and Jurien, WA...

The audio background of the video is more interesting than my wonderful surfing skills... inexistent!!!


(Also tried to upload some (more impressive!!!) photos, but for some mysterious reasons, Lozza's machine could not "decipher the files" ... Another time!

Happy Fred

WA, 1085 posts
11 Jun 2009 10:10PM
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Nice one Fred, Good work

WA, 41 posts
11 Jun 2009 11:19PM
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Congratulations to you! A valiant effort and Im sure you have so much more to progress. As a relitively recent shoulder reconstruction patient I appluase your progress and can't wait to see your future videos!

VIC, 3516 posts
12 Jun 2009 7:20AM
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Hi Fver,

If it was anything like my experience catching that first wave after some has told you that you might never walk surf etc again made me cry and I still do on occasion!

Keep sending the videos and dont care what they look like your surfin again thats what matters. I love watching guys like you that have the balls to get out there when sometimes a 1ftr can scare you sh!tless. You dont have to surf Sunset to have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also if that was your first wave back then in my book your shreading and it just gets better and better!

Best wishes

Phill, Kim, Kristiana,Nesha Niki

885 posts
12 Jun 2009 8:06AM
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Bravo Fred

I remember the earlier thread and its great to see you out there! Gives hope to us all

VIC, 248 posts
12 Jun 2009 10:31AM
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Right on Fred! Glad to see you are up and about mate................

WA, 554 posts
12 Jun 2009 10:18AM
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Great stuff...

Well done on getting back out there.

VIC, 17517 posts
12 Jun 2009 1:01PM
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Yeah.. Great stuff fver..


QLD, 7076 posts
12 Jun 2009 1:44PM
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Great stuff to see you back out on the water it must feel great.

Well done


WA, 196 posts
12 Jun 2009 12:48PM
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Great story Fver.Come and have a paddle at Iso's.There's a few of us there on dawn patrol most mornings before the lowlife appear[}:)]
I'm the old guy riding a blue board thats too short for him

1672 posts
12 Jun 2009 1:21PM
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Good work mate, what a great come back

WA, 201 posts
12 Jun 2009 7:14PM
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Well done Fred. Look forward to a Sup session with you. How is your neck now. Your the second person I know personally that has broken their neck surfing without spinal cord damage.


WA, 453 posts
13 Jun 2009 2:54PM
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I managed to upload three of the images I initially wanted to insert in this thread...
The action takes place near Cervantes, WA.

Thanks all for the encouragements. This breaking neck story was a bit of a fight "against" my body, but that was somehow an amazing experience and i learnt much from it. So many unnoticeable things are sooo enjoyable now!

If it was anything like my experience catching that first wave after some has told you that you might never walk surf etc again made me cry and I still do on occasion!

There was a bit of that 'under' the screaming in the video but shhhhh! It's a secret!!!... The filmed SUP session felt like a similar achievement in my recovery as the first time I run around Lake Monger remembering that I could painfully walk around it a few weeks before, which was also similar to be able to painfully walk around this lake when remembering been 100% dependent at the hospital a few weeks before. All these moments were pure euphoria inside me!!!

Also if that was your first wave back then in my book your shreading and it just gets better and better!

Thanks for the compliment... The video was my first wave and it was then the biggest wave i ever surfed in my life... I possibly surfed 3 times in the past 10 years...and last time I tried, I broke my neck!
My board skill in the video and photos results from several years of kitesurfing... and the paddling from years of canoeing/kayacking...

Come and have a paddle at Iso's. There's a few of us there on dawn patrol most mornings

BASECURVE, thanks heaps for the invitation! The shallow reef at Iso still scares me too much to try my luck there the accident made me paranoid about depth of water and nature of the sea bottom ... I'll definitely say hello next time I pass further offshore...

Hey Jeremy!
Glad to hear that you are healing well. I contact you
The neck? The broken chunk fused back to 90%, and the spine will stay bended at C7... but fortunately nothing really impressive from the outside!


There are also some funny falls , however, I do not manage to upload the photos...


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Breaking a neck, 4 months later..." started by fver