I'm frustrated with the whopper,I can ride a wave, but my let down is my balance. I'm 6'4 117kg Un real can you input shall I go longer.. Or longer wider. If I go to big I might have good balance but won't be able to turn onto a wave.everyone can just stand out there me WELL
Go the starboard avanti some big units riding them For example. Luc Longly big Russ .
Go the carbon or you will break your back ,
Also YOB have a big wave board too looks the goods too ,
I met an old guy in Merimbula surfing the big 10'5" Naish Mana and it seemed to go very well but I've never surfed one.. I don't think I've paddled a board so stable as that big Mana.. The big Starboard Avanti did surf very well when I used one in the surf once.. Another board worth checking out is the big Coreban Ez.. I've heard it surfs quite wll also.. Maybe you are standing with your feet too far apart.. Some people think doing that gives more stability but it doesn't.. In fact it makes it worse.. Try and keep them no more than shoulder width apart and not out near the rails.. I've seen plenty of guys your size not having a problem on the Whopper.. You might even want to try the 10' Mana.. Even though it's not quite as wide as the Whopper it's rails are a bit thicker and the tail a bit squarer.. and it surfs very well.. Another great looking board to check out is the big Fanatic 9'10" x 33" Alwave.. Demo some boards and let us know what you end up with.
Just keep going till you tone your support muscles and gain balance. Falling off isn't an embarrassment; it's part of the learning process. Getting a bigger board will only be a set back.
Well I have been trying for over a year. Poor core muscles.back op a few years ago, truck driver. Not good, yes I see big guys on whoppers, but everyone is different.
not sure if you can still find them, but the cabrinha 10.8 was 34 inches wide just under 200 litres, super stable and designed to be a very big boys surf sup. Ive got lots of wide sups, manas, allwaves, starboard wide points and i reckon the cabrinha was the most stable. I think the new JP's dont do this board anymore, but you may find some old stock. Other than that i think the other guys comments re the big avanti and the big mana are probably the best bets.
I'm about 8-10 kegs heavier than the OP depending on the day. I can't stand on a whopper either but do fine on a 9'10 x 33 fanatic allwave (own one) and reckon the 10x 34 coreban was a shade easier. The Whopper's about 35 litres less than those boards, it will make a difference.
I learnt on the Starboard Driv 11-2 and although not as tall as you I was actually much heavier. I would agree that the secret is flat water time and getting used to the board a bit. Stick with it
I tried some boards yesterday on flat water. Laird nsp and surtec Gerry Lopez 10ft 34 inch, the same as the whopper, felt very stable. Was told the whopper has its wide point in front of you, and surttec is more under and behind you the surtftec has more volume, could this be the key. Or just go big all over avanti, remember I wish to surf.
Hi, I'm 6.2, 105kg my first board was Avanti, great stable board and i surfed it (kinda / badly),
Yes the Avanti was a bit heavy and a bugger on windy days to carry, but thats a trade off.
Many of my mates wanted a go and most now have their own board.
(If you can't ride an Avanti, best you give up the idea of being able to Sup altogether)
I now have had my Allwave 9.6 for 18months, great in surf and flat water, well made, (but slight depressions in deck around feet position) very stable, the allwave is the most stable board that i have tried around its length, including Nash Mana and Corban.
Best advice from seabreeze for me buying a board: Try/ demo it!
My board is smaller, but feels more stable than husbands larger/wider board.
Just felt good, compared with the few others I tried.
Good luck.
It doesn't matter how big or small a person may be, all I am saying is that you can have a board that has a high volume but is less stable than a board with less volume. Therefore volume should not be the biggest determining factor, yes it should be considered but not be the first question.
Is a Fanatic 12'6 x 25 @252L going to be more stable than a Fanatic 9'10 x 33 Fanatic All Wave @191L just because it has more volume??????
Hi all thank you for your input, I traded the whopper today. 11,6 fanatic fly. Why you say we'll 12mths of frustration, I'm going back to basics big board ride learn basic skills. But most of all to have fun. As I progress I will change boards, something I should have done first. Seen allwave, and Gerry Lopez, very nice boards, and I will get to them in time but I just want to enjoy.. Thx....
The coreban EZ is 205 litres....the whopper is I seem to remember is about 160 litres.....are we talking about the same kettle of fish here?