Jeremy Riggs is one of the best downwinders in the world.
Larry Allison is one of the best fin makers in the world.
They have been working togther to try and come up with the best DW fin.
What they've come up with is called the Aercor fin and it's very different.
I now have one and can't wait to test it out myself.
The other day JC used my old board and tried this new fin and he said that he loved it.
Here's a few pics for those who've not seen one.
Hi DJ i have had one for a while now as you know but have not used it for a while cos i been using my Bullet to often but i did a DW paddle to Franga the other evening and put the Aercore fin on my Naish LE and I had the best time out there. It has got me back to using a fixed fin board again for DW'rs. I think you'll really enjoy it and don't forget to call me for any DW action.
It will be interesting to see how my new fin compares with yours and see if there's any difference.. I've seen quite a few variations.
Next thursday is looking like it might be on for another downwinder.. I should have my new camera rig finished by then..
At least you know where in the box it needs to go... you can't move it forward or back!
Looks very good. A mate of mine talked to me about "fin shadow". My thoughts (without trying it), is that you should get really nice tracking with the fin shadow effect, and you might also get nice maneuverability / response when surfing the runners...
It's a nice looking fin actually... also, the front fin looks like a lovely George Greenough inspired "Marlin" fin. Check out is movie "Crystal Voyager" from the late 1960's.
It resembles an old "torquay' windsurfing fin I have in the shed somewhere - acquired with an old epoxy/kevlar race board!?
something like...sort of;
(found in the kite pages)