Today's waves; Every once in a while, a clean and peeling wave snuck through but between those, some very straight and menacing 3-4 footers came in and if they didn't get us on the paddle out, they sucked us into a take-off that didn't often end well.
Fun all the same though, beautiful sunrise, mates sharing the line-up and good times.
The Coreban Cruiser felt great with some push behind it too.
Wave of the day was wave number 1 for me. Not filmed as it was still VERY dark and not being able to see 2 foot in front of me, maybe it was only the best of the session as I couldn't actually see it and acted on feel alone - who knows.
A stroke of luck today too and as a result I suggest all GoPro users buy the orange fluro 'stick on' float. On one flogging, the GoPro clip snapped clean off the board disc and I felt that terrible feeling sighting my board minus my camera. After 5 minutes hunting the inside bank, the fluro orange float caught my eye on the water's surface and as such, camera found still recording - so lucky and stoked.