Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Cloud Break

Created by Downwinder > 9 months ago, 28 May 2011
QLD, 2014 posts
28 May 2011 8:41PM
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Reef McIntosh Ripping 6ft Cloud Break

DW on singlefin

VIC, 17434 posts
28 May 2011 8:50PM
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More pics of that girl in the boat please.. .. and get your focus point right next time..


VIC, 3982 posts
28 May 2011 9:45PM
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Yeah for god sake, a telephoto lens, please. Or at least a double extender.

VIC, 5904 posts
28 May 2011 10:15PM
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yeah , that thong er I mean wave was great!

VIC, 8020 posts
28 May 2011 11:15PM
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This photo is a gem ! Love the way you can see the water displacing off the tail... displacing/distorting the face of the wave.

VIC, 1299 posts
28 May 2011 11:25PM
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fantastic wave, but on a different tangent its interesting that the blokes are t shirt and hats etc the chic is bikini, I guess skin cancer is exclusive to males? and not an issue for her? Having been to Fiji it gets bloody hot, but on the other hand she does look good so forget what I wrote ok

WA, 24860 posts
29 May 2011 5:24AM
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Great photos DW,the chick or cheeks look ok as well however,be interested to hear how the single fin went at CB

QLD, 2014 posts
29 May 2011 9:21AM
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62mac said...

Great photos DW,the chick or cheeks look ok as well however,be interested to hear how the single fin went at CB

G'day 62mac
The Single fin went unreal at 3-5ft Cloudbreak I took some drops on 6fters & got floged (you have to surf fast when Cloudy is 6ft+ Help Me Please Mr Wizard. I was surfing with Apete the Namotu boatman & this bomb set cames through as we were to deep as the current got us by the balls & Apete yells out O my god I nearly drowned from laughing ) but the single fin went great on Namotu lefts at 6ft+ the Single fin went great at Wilks Pass but was a bit slow when Wilks got over 4ft got mowed down by some 8ft bombs at Wilks you have to surf fast my 7'2'' thruster was just loving it.

WA, 24860 posts
29 May 2011 7:27AM
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Thanks for the rundown DW,I was thinking the same the single fin would be sluggish in those conditions,brave man taking it out imo,be good to see some shots of you on the 7.2 which would be a perfect board,have you got any?Keep living the dream mate its 2 foot clean over here atm.

QLD, 2014 posts
29 May 2011 12:23PM
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G'day 62mac
I'm J O J just of da jet home at Nth Burleigh I go back to Namotu in 6 weeks. going to take the Malibu for a surf at Little Marlie ?

WA, 24860 posts
29 May 2011 11:31AM
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Cheers mate I was just down there


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Cloud Break" started by Downwinder