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Comps are fun, no really!

Created by goatman > 9 months ago, 25 Aug 2011
NSW, 2151 posts
25 Aug 2011 4:08PM
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After all the discussion around why bother with comps and the politics, etc recently, I thought it would be good to pen a bit of a write up on the titles. One of the reasons most of us go to these things is the social aspect – think the Mambo but with heats and a fraction less beer (for some).

Me and my young bloke drove up late Sat to get to our apartment we were sharing with Casso and Dan. Drove through pouring rain most of the way and woke to find much the same. Went to check Town beach where the comp was supposed to run and caught up with Casso, Dogman, Tully and Sharpie standing in the drizzle surveying the 30 knot onshore heaving slop. Got to talk sh!t for a while til a downpour forced us to do a convoy to a few other spots that all looked equally horrible.

We all met back at 10am with the call most likely to be the reform on the inside at Town beach. The banks out the back were copping most of the swell but impossible to get to. The current was crazy so I thought I would have a quick free surf to check it out – one wave later and I nearly got smashed on the groyne and had to paddle for my life to the middle of the river mouth. Got sucked up the river with 3 shortboarders and had to scramble out up the rocks 500 meters up river – too funny. Would have been carnage if they went ahead which fortunately they didn't. The call was made for a Crescent mission!

About 6 carloads of us made the dash to the punt across the river so we could hit the dirt road to Crescent, following Casso through the potholes at a 100kmph thinking we were suddenly in a rally. Crescent looked a bit out of control but a few of the boys paddled out for a dig. Turned out to be a fun sess, surfing with Casso, Dan,Leon, Lummers the Dogman and Keahi all ripping into it and showing the Shorties that SUPs can handle a bit of size.

The next day was much the same with another layday so a few of us hit up this weird little wave that breaks about a km up the river right in front of the main street of Port – weird. Mel and Jason were handing out some fun Hobbies for cruising the little peelers and we had a ball - dropins galore. Most of us met up that night for a few ales and more sh!t talking, amping for the comp which we were told would run in one go the next day.

Day of the comp at last and we finally had some offshores – along with crazy currents, rocks in the middle of the take off zone and chop as big as some of the sets. The comp director was calling for the take off spot to be out the back (500 meters away) with what looked like a death paddle out next to these big gnarly rocks. Most of us thought it sounded crazy but whatever, time to get on with it. Most guys in the first round opted for the inside chop fest with a few crew 'manning up' and hitting the outside for the first wave. This proved to best a good option as scores were much higher on the solid 5-6 footers outside vs the 2 foot slop fest closer to shore. The comp jet ski was on hand to pull crew off the groyne or out of the river mouth if needed.

By the second round everyone was hitting the outside which was offering up some solid walls, big lips and a 200 meter run around allowing for 3 waves max. Guys like Jackson and Keahi were getting 4 or 5 hits each wave with the grommet even doing an air on one. These guys are on another level, just picking up pearlers with ease and smashing the hell out of em. Justin Holland was getting some strong scores as well and the Dogman was doing his usual stuff and looking good for a final berth. By the semis it was obvious the draw was a pretty lopsided with the 2nd semi looking like a final. Beau and Dogman got the brush to Jackson and Keahi while Justin and Mike Davis brushed me and Casso in the other. Hats off to Mike for flying not only the NSW flag but also scoring one for us 'normal' blokes – you know the ones with mortgages, kids ,sagging skin and rooted knees .

I couldn't watch the final as my young bloke was frothing to hit the river waves again after sitting there watching the comp all day. From watching the vid footage it looked like Justin got the waves, Jackson didn't have his best heat and Keahi popped 2 airs on one wave but didn't land the second and got a 4! Go figure. This kid and young dudes like Beau, Jake Jensen and Geoff Breen are gonna take the sport to some pretty spectacular places – with airs and massive hits becoming part of the normal repertoire. Hurry up and give us an over 40s division please!!

Some of the ladies did well in the gnarly conditions with Shakira out scoring most of the blokes waves after smashing a huge set wave in her ladies semi.

That night we caught up with Viccos: Sparx, Leon, Kristi, Phil and clubmate Jezza for a few ales as most of the crew had to bail home. We then finally tracked the Dogman down with Leon and Sparx's bottle of scotch and watched the heats all over again thanks to Deem's video footage. Next morning we hooked up again with the Viccos for a surf safari down the coast and ended up getting some fun, solid Seal Rocks in blazing sunshine after 4 days of grey. My young bloke was so amped from watching all the heats, the vids and the sh!t talking that he started doing some proper reos for the first time and nearly got a barrel, give him 3 years and look out I reckon!

It was a brilliant trip, met some new crew, caught up with others, surfed fun waves, heckled, talked sh!t, did surf safaris, watched freaks ripping SUPs, doesn't get much better than that.

First Air

2nd Air - same wave

The Dogman


Old enough to know better

QLD, 272 posts
25 Aug 2011 4:22PM
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top write up and sounds like great fun was had by all
thanks MR Goatman

NSW, 600 posts
25 Aug 2011 4:29PM
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Nice report/overview.

You have highlighted exactly why I am on the committee of the NSW Wavesailing Association.

For some reason I've never been drawn to the SUP comps - often the weekends clash with wavesailing, but I might go along to one this year.


NSW, 123 posts
25 Aug 2011 5:06PM
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Great report....a good read..... thanks for going to the trouble of writing it. Sounds like a good time despite the weather.Nothing like a road trip.

"Hurry up and give us an over 40s division please!!"

Over 60's and I'm in.**** that sounds old.

NSW, 544 posts
25 Aug 2011 6:32PM
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was feeling kinda ok with not going this year
but after reading that im really regretting not going
great stuff!!

NSW, 2159 posts
25 Aug 2011 6:58PM
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Yeah great read Goatie. Doesn't matter what level your at its all about participation and hanging out with the crew. Anyone can bag it, thats easy.
You guys smashed it in those conditions but watching some of the scores come up early it was clear that there is another level out there! Stoked to hear the little guy is getting amped. If I can drag Dan Allen out of the pool we might have a team!
Bring on The CORONA!

VIC, 1686 posts
25 Aug 2011 7:01PM
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"A bit of a write up" well done, I'd get RSI after a paragraph.
was always of the opinion competition in any sport is beneficial in your development. great write up.
how was seals btw

NSW, 408 posts
26 Aug 2011 1:55AM
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Yeh I realy appreciate the good surf trip story shame town beach didnt turn on.Ive had that joint about 6'with right handers breaking from the outside rocks right across the bay to the rivermouth,the day before it was howling onshore with lefts breaking the other way strange place.Ive seen that little sandbar up river too,Ive always wondered what it would do on an incoming tide during a cyclone swell it definatly has potential.

NSW, 406 posts
26 Aug 2011 4:11AM
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Hey Goaty,

Great write up, there is always a career for you with Murdoch

The conditions looked really challenging, never perfect surf for a contest, caught up with a bunch of your old Surf Ski crew in Portugal over the summer, Cisco and Lance etc. Were your ears were burning..

Hope all is well, back in Sydney for Xmas so will catch up for a wave...

NSW, 3768 posts
26 Aug 2011 9:22AM
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Great stuff Goaty ... felt like I was right there with you.

VIC, 107 posts
26 Aug 2011 11:33AM
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You described the event to a tee Goatie, we had to deal with pretty horrific conditions and showed the surfing community what its all about and gained a bit more respect and appreciation for the sport. The level of Supping during this event has clearly stepped up to another level and it will be on for young and old, look out! It was great to meet all you boys in person, had a great time, no egos just pure stoke, great stuff !

NSW, 2151 posts
26 Aug 2011 1:00PM
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Garethg said...

Hey Goaty,

caught up with a bunch of your old Surf Ski crew in Portugal over the summer, Cisco and Lance etc. Were your ears were burning..

Hope all is well, back in Sydney for Xmas so will catch up for a wave...

Ha ha....some debauched tales to tell from that lot! Try and come to our Dec club comp Gareth.

Hey Leon, the Seal Rocks surf wasn't bad, ended up staying out for 2 hours. You guys obviously got home eventually.

VIC, 734 posts
26 Aug 2011 5:36PM
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Arrived Thursday and set up camp, snuck a good little sesh in at Bonny Hills in the arvo. Friday dawned sunny and we scored right out the front at Town Beach with some hip to shoulder high peelers but by the arvo the weather was on the flop. Rain, wind, more rain and a sh.t load more wind and then macking swell with you guessed it more rain and wind.
The comp was humbling. Three waves in two heats with a combined score of less than five. I reckon the only reason they put my name above Sharpie was cos he became a little more intimate with the river than I did. One thing for sure, if you want to do the comp thing you need to be able to surf anything at anytime. No excuses, scores were there to be had on the outside bank, just couldnt cut it.
But you are right Goaty, it was fun, even grovelling under the tarp in the wind and the rain with Leon had its moments. Actually that was closer to group hysteria than fun. Great to catch up with you guys and bizarre that we propably slept in the same patch of mud as groms doing the slalom thing with some shared acquaintances. Thats a convo for another time. Agree with Leon about the egos, everyone super mellow, Keahi a class act in and out of the water, Justin a real down to earth bloke (brought a bit of a lump to the throat when his kids met him at the waters edge with his Aussie flag) happy to have a chat with the drowned rats from Vicco and the Dogman is just the Dogman, bloody classic! Good to spend a bit of time with Phill, Kristy, Dan, Casso and you and Robbie. Youre right, that young bloke of yours is going to be a weapon and sooner than later! Glad Seal Rocks was good but I just had an inkling that another two of us out there might have been the straw that broke the camels back. Besides which, I had a severe dose of twitch and wanted to get down past Sydney and clock some serious Hume time. Ah the joys of Yass, the land that time forgot.
One thing certain, the standard of SUP is set to go nuts in the next few years, is ballistic now. Bugger the over 40s bring on the over 50s

VIC, 107 posts
26 Aug 2011 6:43PM
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Sparx said...

Arrived Thursday and set up camp, snuck a good little sesh in at Bonny Hills in the arvo. Friday dawned sunny and we scored right out the front at Town Beach with some hip to shoulder high peelers but by the arvo the weather was on the flop. Rain, wind, more rain and a sh.t load more wind and then macking swell with you guessed it more rain and wind.
The comp was humbling. Three waves in two heats with a combined score of less than five. I reckon the only reason they put my name above Sharpie was cos he became a little more intimate with the river than I did. One thing for sure, if you want to do the comp thing you need to be able to surf anything at anytime. No excuses, scores were there to be had on the outside bank, just couldnt cut it.
But you are right Goaty, it was fun, even grovelling under the tarp in the wind and the rain with Leon had its moments. Actually that was closer to group hysteria than fun. Great to catch up with you guys and bizarre that we propably slept in the same patch of mud as groms doing the slalom thing with some shared acquaintances. Thats a convo for another time. Agree with Leon about the egos, everyone super mellow, Keahi a class act in and out of the water, Justin a real down to earth bloke (brought a bit of a lump to the throat when his kids met him at the waters edge with his Aussie flag) happy to have a chat with the drowned rats from Vicco and the Dogman is just the Dogman, bloody classic! Good to spend a bit of time with Phill, Kristy, Dan, Casso and you and Robbie. Youre right, that young bloke of yours is going to be a weapon and sooner than later! Glad Seal Rocks was good but I just had an inkling that another two of us out there might have been the straw that broke the camels back. Besides which, I had a severe dose of twitch and wanted to get down past Sydney and clock some serious Hume time. Ah the joys of Yass, the land that time forgot.
One thing certain, the standard of SUP is set to go nuts in the next few years, is ballistic now. Bugger the over 40s bring on the over 50s

Good one Sparx, couldn't have said it better myself! Good to do tent time with you mate. Freezing and Wheezing!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Comps are fun, no really!" started by goatman