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Couple more dodgy paintings

Created by teatrea > 9 months ago, 22 Aug 2013
QLD, 4177 posts
22 Aug 2013 11:20AM
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I tried with this one , diidnt work out as planned.Sorry turned you into a prone surfer

QLD, 2031 posts
22 Aug 2013 11:37AM
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2nd one is good

VIC, 1174 posts
22 Aug 2013 12:13PM
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Good effort Mr.Trea. Keep up the great interpretations!!

QLD, 2286 posts
22 Aug 2013 2:43PM
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Never going to be able to replicate that wonderfull first shot TT.
Good try though.

VIC, 3982 posts
22 Aug 2013 2:55PM
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In isolation, the elements of the first painting are very good, but the combination of the cliffs above with the surf break below create an unusual perspective that is hard to reconcile. Good effort, nonetheless.

QLD, 4177 posts
22 Aug 2013 3:21PM
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PTWoody said..

In isolation, the elements of the first painting are very good, but the combination of the cliffs above with the surf break below create an unusual perspective that is hard to reconcile. Good effort, nonetheless.

Yeah spot on PT it looks like the wave is the wrong way around , might have to re work that , trying too replicate the spray , well i just couldnt do itI dont think painting real life is my go , easier too hide mistakes when you just use your imaginationAt leat then you can say its supposed to look like that, Lol.

2350 posts
22 Aug 2013 1:26PM
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I think the detail in the cliff is great and the wave is good. The surfer looks like he's wearing a monkey suit. Keep it up.
If in doubt go abstract as you get away with much more.

QLD, 4177 posts
22 Aug 2013 4:22PM
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This is a bit better , i think , yeah newscotty stuffed up the surfer dude , must be wearing a 10mm steamer with hoodThanks for the feedback fellas , ponting out the crap stuff will help my work get better , hopefully


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Couple more dodgy paintings" started by teatrea