Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Cracked board

Created by McMahon > 9 months ago, 24 Oct 2010
VIC, 129 posts
24 Oct 2010 1:37PM
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I'm no stranger to cracked boards but this one was nasty. This was the second outing with the new pride and joy. There were some very decent waves out the back but nothing too big. As I was finishing up for the day and paddling in on my knees a big wave picked up from no where and sent me over the handle bars. I didn't think I landed on the board but judging on that nasty, straight crack, I'm guessing I slammed the paddle right into it. As nasty as the crack was, I feared the nose folded but the bottom of the board looks to be rock solid still, as does the other rail (the pictured rail is the worst part of the crack. What sort of dollars am I looking at to get this fixed? I'm not too worried about battle scars on the nose of my board (I think I've found a use for the big pirate sticker that came with the board) but I don't want a weak point.

The following would be useful:
Contacts of good repair guys around Warrnambool or Torquay,
DIY tips and tricks.
Shoulders to cry on.

VIC, 8020 posts
24 Oct 2010 2:04PM
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That looks like a fatal crack !! 1 more surf on that board, and you have two halves.
(It may or may not have had anything to do with your paddle....)

Johnny at G-Boards does nice repair jobs. Torquay. It might take him 5-10 weeks though... (to get around to it...)...
Stonker is an option, but won't look as good as Johnny's work, but will still be structural....

BUT, I'd be taking it back to place of purchase, since it is brand new....

NSW, 378 posts
24 Oct 2010 3:18PM
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did the same thing a year ago with a mana 10', paddling back out ( over the back, shift weight and nose lands on a small runner traveling behind...

...thanks Noel

NSW, 72 posts
24 Oct 2010 3:45PM
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That could have resembled my head the other day after the red rocket almost smacked me the other day hey sal? Where you been this week. Every afternoon has been fun out there.

NSW, 378 posts
24 Oct 2010 6:01PM
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yeah man wack!! out the front has been great - sep today:(
work bro, just work...take it where ya can get it, did ya get a paddle in up the coast? or were you w#*king too??

NSW, 43 posts
24 Oct 2010 7:32PM
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is it a veneer deck ? or a rice paper
baboo veneer decks are ment to quite strong ? they should not crack but stay in tacked ,the reasion i say this is im doing a build on a 10' x 32 " that im doing a bambo deck on , ive spent a fair bit of time working what bamboo veneer is the best to use for strength and looks .you can cheat and use a rice paper decal of bamboo that looks realy good ,but gives no strngth and is very easy to lay up ,no baging less cost in making , i would love to have a close look at the reasion it cracked like that .

QLD, 1820 posts
24 Oct 2010 6:49PM
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paddling on your knees on the way back in should mean smaller swell which should mean this board shouldn't break...if i had sold it i would fix it. no i don't sell boards :) just saying it sounds like a warranty job to me.

NSW, 1610 posts
24 Oct 2010 8:08PM
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jasdeking said...

paddling on your knees on the way back in should mean smaller swell which should mean this board shouldn't break...if i had sold it i would fix it. no i don't sell boards :) just saying it sounds like a warranty job to me.

yeah it sucks when you break or damage your board or paddle in anyway but these are the risk we take, i no 100s of guys who have broken shortboards first surf what are you going to do thats the ocean it can be very unpredictable and break or destroy things easy. I really dont feel it should be a warranty issues this board could have been picked up and driven nose first into tHe sand who nos? Its really sucks that this has happened but i would just get it repaired by a professional and get back out there.

AN i have been one of the guys who have broken a shortboard first surf but indo is worth it

QLD, 3318 posts
24 Oct 2010 7:18PM
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Ok now just a question, when you were coming in and the wave picked you up from behind did you nose dive and could you have hit the bottom? Why I ask is if you were on you knees and the wave had doubled up usally means it's quite shollow. This is the most common reason boards get a crease like that. It sucks breaking boards but it is part of the sport just like surfing. I'm sorry to say but the chance of getting a warrenty on some thing that has happened in the surf and when the waves sounded quite solid are pretty slim.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
24 Oct 2010 7:32PM
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yeah it sucks. when your doing stuff on sups in shallow water you gotta bail out and get off the board if it's looking like a slam dunk. a lot of shortboards wont take it little lone a sup that has more weight in it- it gets driven harder

boarder paul
1952 posts
24 Oct 2010 5:37PM
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I could be wrong, But is the crack not a long way back up the board to have been a nose dive problem.

Very thick part of the board where it is

QLD, 1372 posts
24 Oct 2010 7:45PM
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That's where they snap. I have done a Southpoint and a mate has done a Starboard. Both times there was nothing wrong with the board. Mine folded impacting my chest paddling out and the starboard was done in tiny shore break at mooloolaba in a similar way as what was described. Shows the force of the ocean. Again, I wouldn't blame the gear in our cases.
Get them fixed and get back on it. Just get a good repairer to do the work.

VIC, 129 posts
24 Oct 2010 10:02PM
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paul.j said...

Ok now just a question, when you were coming in and the wave picked you up from behind did you nose dive and could you have hit the bottom? Why I ask is if you were on you knees and the wave had doubled up usally means it's quite shollow. This is the most common reason boards get a crease like that. It sucks breaking boards but it is part of the sport just like surfing. I'm sorry to say but the chance of getting a warrenty on some thing that has happened in the surf and when the waves sounded quite solid are pretty slim.

Yeah, it did nose dive and it could have hit the bottom. It also gave me a pretty good whack while I was getting worked. I'm not too worried about the board, yeah is sucks but I just want to get it patched up and out into the water again. I guessed from the start it wouldn't be a warranty job.

VIC, 8020 posts
24 Oct 2010 10:19PM
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If you can locate Peter Ashley, he does good work too.... But he's retired....

Moonlight also does nice work. Down beside Patagonia.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
24 Oct 2010 11:30PM
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Sorry to hear abt yr board. As a guide for fixing there is a bloke here in Manly who fixes broken epoxy's from $130 plus depending on how bad it is. A mate busted the nose off a 11'4"nash and it cost him $170. Several of us have boards fixed by him for substantially less. Hope this gives u an idea of what the cost is.........although being from Vic one wd hope it wd cost you a little less. Good luck - last time I broke
a board I duck dived a 2 ft wave and came up with 2 halves....sometimes ** happens. Hang in there.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Cracked board" started by McMahon