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Creative ways to get Sponsorship

Created by pmorgan1974 > 9 months ago, 28 Mar 2011
NSW, 1080 posts
28 Mar 2011 10:53PM
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One of the girls had an idea to pitch Robert Oakley to sponsor a upcoming south coast SUP trip with some cases of wine :) Such legends

She's posted it to twitter and he responded. Lets see what happens now :)

NSW, 523 posts
29 Mar 2011 8:31AM
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Pete / Andre / Andy - I see the harem is growing. Go Boys!!!!!!!!

NSW, 1080 posts
29 Mar 2011 1:48PM
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looks like this could actually work ha

QLD, 248 posts
29 Mar 2011 1:23PM
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Fantastic - hope that it comes off for you.

Similar to that guy that got on YouTube and sent a message to all Millionaires requesting that they give him a Million Dollars for nothing in return, just because they are rich enough and he wanted it. I believe that one multi-millionaire made contact and that they were in the process of drawing up a contract to state that nothing in return was ever required. It got airtime on the morning news programs but unfortunately I don't know if it came off for him as there wasn't any follow up, perhaps nothing has happened.

Gutsy and worth a shot.

NSW, 1080 posts
29 Mar 2011 3:13PM
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BoardGirl said...

Fantastic - hope that it comes off for you.

Similar to that guy that got on YouTube and sent a message to all Millionaires requesting that they give him a Million Dollars for nothing in return, just because they are rich enough and he wanted it. I believe that one multi-millionaire made contact and that they were in the process of drawing up a contract to state that nothing in return was ever required. It got airtime on the morning news programs but unfortunately I don't know if it came off for him as there wasn't any follow up, perhaps nothing has happened.

Gutsy and worth a shot.

Maybe we are aiming too low :) ha maybe we should have asked for a dozen Wild Oats branded Fanatics to take away with us, and a few cases of wine....

QLD, 248 posts
29 Mar 2011 2:52PM
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Perhaps - here is the link for that guy....may have a few pointers


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Creative ways to get Sponsorship" started by pmorgan1974