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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

DW boards

Created by Jradedmondo > 9 months ago, 27 Jun 2011
NSW, 635 posts
27 Jun 2011 2:01PM
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looking at getting a board for downwinders and a little bit of flatwater paddling, i was thinking i might get something along the lines of a 17foot glide or a fanatic, any thoughts or other sugestions would be appreciated


VIC, 17517 posts
27 Jun 2011 2:16PM
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I think if you're out in the open ocean down-winding a good choice would be the 17' Glide.. or a 16'/17'4" SIC board.. or a custom DC board.

IMO.. The next best would be a 14' Naish Glide or 14' Starboard Open Ocean.. or maybe the 14' Fanatic or 14' Hobie.

Try and demo some if you can.. How heavy are you?


angie pangi
QLD, 1780 posts
27 Jun 2011 2:35PM
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If you are around Sydney go and see the guys at wind surf and snow, i bet they would have a 17ft Naish to demo other wise try and contact Pete at instyle i think he goes under instyle as his user name here and he will have the 17'4 bullet SIC and i'm pretty sure he has a demo down there as well.

Cheers Jacko

angie pangi
QLD, 1780 posts
27 Jun 2011 2:37PM
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The 14 fanatic is a great alround board as well and if you can find anyone with one in stock it would be worth looking at as well.


NSW, 1612 posts
Site Sponsor
27 Jun 2011 4:50PM
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Hi Jarryd,

If you can come by you can demo the Glide 17, Glide 14, SIC Bullet and the Fanatic 14.

Best to call first as we may have to get the Bullet from Pete at In Style until our stock arrives.



QLD, 108 posts
27 Jun 2011 5:49PM
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I have a glide to sell see adverts. On nth beaches sydney.


QLD, 723 posts
27 Jun 2011 5:50PM
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I've got a Fanatic 14' which is good on the flats and I enjoyed paddling it for the first downwind session yesterday. Haven't ridden a Naish Glide before but my understanding is a 17' would be better for larger swells/runners and here in OZ most crew survive on 14's. Definately chat to a few people that have the boards first and see what their opinions are as its a costly piece of equipment to prematurely buy.

QLD, 3954 posts
27 Jun 2011 6:14PM
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The new DC14 is proving popular as a Swiss Army knife type board. Good on the flats, good in the surf and the ocean. Very stable as well. Many other boards are either tippy and fast or slow and stable, his new design is both stable and fast. It's a real development.

QLD, 437 posts
27 Jun 2011 6:34PM
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From what I've seen the new Dick van Strallen shaped Lahui Kai 14' Manta is looking good too for racing, downwinding and even surfing in some pretty solid stuff. Definitely between Lahui Kai and DC for local east coast conditions

VIC, 5904 posts
27 Jun 2011 6:38PM
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CMC said...

The new DC14 is proving popular as a Swiss Army knife type board. Good on the flats, good in the surf and the ocean. Very stable as well. Many other boards are either tippy and fast or slow and stable, his new design is both stable and fast. It's a real development.

Hey CMC Have you got a link to pictures of the new DC14 I have tried but couldnt find it .

regards James

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
27 Jun 2011 7:02PM
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rager said...

From what I've seen the new Dick van Strallen shaped Lahui Kai 14' Manta is looking good too for racing, downwinding and even surfing in some pretty solid stuff. Definitely between Lahui Kai and DC for local east coast conditions

i'll have some photos of those boards later in the week- 14' and 12'6

here is a photo of the dc 14

QLD, 272 posts
27 Jun 2011 8:28PM
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hey lacey how wide is the 14 that you have the picture of

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
27 Jun 2011 8:44PM
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Gassa said...

hey lacey how wide is the 14 that you have the picture of

29", but i believe they will be 28.5" and a 30". would be best to contact dale chapman to be sure

QLD, 3954 posts
27 Jun 2011 8:44PM
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Gassa said...

hey lacey how wide is the 14 that you have the picture of

It's mine now. Mwaahhaaahahaaa. (evil laugh!!!!)

It's 29 wide and I love it!!

Works unreal in the surf, stable and in flat water makes neat little barrels off the tip of the nose. Step back and it's surfable. I was gonna go 12'6 but jumped on this one, she's a beauty!!

QLD, 3954 posts
27 Jun 2011 8:46PM
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2 answers!! Hahah.

Actually it's the 3rd board I've bought off Mark, he has a habit of trying new stuff

NSW, 1610 posts
27 Jun 2011 9:24PM
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how are you champ? Mate at your size i would even consider the 14foot glide as its super stable and a good down wind board ..depends what you want it for its not very fast in flat water though ....want win any races in the flats.
I would also think the 12 foot fanatic at 30 wide would be good for you as a possible option mega stable.
As stated above would 100% try Sam at wind surf and snow at collaroy he has a heap to choose from and is one of the best down wind/ flat water paddlers around he is all over it!

NSW, 635 posts
27 Jun 2011 9:29PM
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thanks for the advice guys, will get out and demo some boards, was just looking for some boards to try, got a good idea now, yeah im good dan, lovin' the board it rips

WA, 641 posts
27 Jun 2011 8:11PM
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Would a 14' Glide be OK for a 96kg rider??(Used for ocean paddling mostly) or should i be looking in the 16-17 foot mark. Is 29-30" to wide for an ocean board?.Comments appreciated.


VIC, 17517 posts
27 Jun 2011 10:29PM
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LouD said...

Would a 14' Glide be OK for a 96kg rider??(Used for ocean paddling mostly) or should i be looking in the 16-17 foot mark. Is 29-30" to wide for an ocean board?.Comments appreciated.


A board 29-30" wide is fine but unnecessary if the board is longer.. and I think a wider long board is slower than a long narrow board.. The 17' Glide is less than 27" wide and is incredibly stable.. I think when paddling out in the open ocean size does matter.. .. even in calm conditions.. (see vid).. When down-winding you can go shorter but IMO it often takes a little more effort and need to move around the board more.


WA, 7489 posts
27 Jun 2011 9:48PM
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LouD said...

Would a 14' Glide be OK for a 96kg rider??(Used for ocean paddling mostly) or should i be looking in the 16-17 foot mark. Is 29-30" to wide for an ocean board?.Comments appreciated.


No kiting this summer Lou?

I think length helps if you are our size. Saying that I did like Adams DC14 at 29 wide. Have a paddle on my DC16 if you want.

WA, 641 posts
27 Jun 2011 11:27PM
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Thanks DJ , Thanks Hilly.

Ill still kite, but must say that I have lost motivation for kiting since starting SUP!Maybe just been doing it to long. Love to try your 16, hilly. How wide is it?

QLD, 1332 posts
28 Jun 2011 9:51AM
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rager said...

From what I've seen the new Dick van Strallen shaped Lahui Kai 14' Manta is looking good too for racing, downwinding and even surfing in some pretty solid stuff. Definitely between Lahui Kai and DC for local east coast conditions

Any links to these boards?

QLD, 437 posts
28 Jun 2011 2:21PM
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Cuttlefish said...

rager said...

From what I've seen the new Dick van Strallen shaped Lahui Kai 14' Manta is looking good too for racing, downwinding and even surfing in some pretty solid stuff. Definitely between Lahui Kai and DC for local east coast conditions

Any links to these boards?

If you're on facebook add Lahui Kai as a friend. There's a couple of pics there

QLD, 437 posts
28 Jun 2011 9:58PM
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rager said...

Cuttlefish said...

rager said...

From what I've seen the new Dick van Strallen shaped Lahui Kai 14' Manta is looking good too for racing, downwinding and even surfing in some pretty solid stuff. Definitely between Lahui Kai and DC for local east coast conditions

Any links to these boards?

If you're on facebook add Lahui Kai as a friend. There's a couple of pics there

Just saw this posted on another thread. Definitely look like they can more than hold there own against the bigger boards in the ocean. Then again it helps when you paddle like these guys too

WA, 7489 posts
28 Jun 2011 8:26PM
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LouD said...

Thanks DJ , Thanks Hilly.

Ill still kite, but must say that I have lost motivation for kiting since starting SUP!Maybe just been doing it to long. Love to try your 16, hilly. How wide is it?

28 much more stable than a Naish 14 due to length

VIC, 8020 posts
28 Jun 2011 10:34PM
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Naish 14 Glide is pretty stable though Hilly.

QLD, 97 posts
28 Jun 2011 11:11PM
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Cuttlefish said...

rager said...

From what I've seen the new Dick van Strallen shaped Lahui Kai 14' Manta is looking good too for racing, downwinding and even surfing in some pretty solid stuff. Definitely between Lahui Kai and DC for local east coast conditions

Any links to these boards?

Hey Cuttlefish the new Manta from Lahui kai is an amazing board, the only boards I have been on that I could confidently say would be competitive in all conditions, flat water, surfing, downwinding and even upwind, I raced my 12'6 last weekend against a mixture of bigger boards and found it sat longer in the troughs then the 17 I was next to and when we hit some backwash near the cliffs it just skated away, in the excel race I was on the 14' and had a nice battle with the 17'4 bullet and once again matched speed in the ocean and it pulled away in the flat.

These boards are designed with a special nose that feeds the water into the concave, so the board rides its own wave and at the same time super stable.
So when downwinding this nose comes into its own, instead of pushing up onto the bumps in front it keeps a flat platform to paddle from and pushes through pulling itself into the trough ahead, quite an amazing feeling actually. I used to paddle 16' and 17' downwind a lot but now much prefer the smaller board, as for the original topic i personally think that a 14' is the best all round board for our conditions, very user friendly easier to store and move around, can flat water train, surf your local points and play in as bigger downwind as you want.

Here are some photos of the 14' we'll be racing at Maliko and across the Molokai channel next month

I am standing in front of the grip and the board has no side wake just allows the water to flow over and keeps feeding water into the concave and gliding forward

WA, 7489 posts
29 Jun 2011 7:14AM
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Simondo said...

Naish 14 Glide is pretty stable though Hilly.

I know I owned one but the DC16 is more stable. Lower centre of balance less corky. For a heavier rider to get on runs I had to stand a long way forward so it felt tippy then. I reckon the 14 is better for guys under 90kegs I am 105.

On the DC I can stand further back so easier to get in surfing stance. IMO the DC16, Naish 17, SIC 16 or Bullet would be a better option for someone Lou's weight.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
29 Jun 2011 9:28AM
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hilly said...

Simondo said...

Naish 14 Glide is pretty stable though Hilly.

I know I owned one but the DC16 is more stable. Lower centre of balance less corky. For a heavier rider to get on runs I had to stand a long way forward so it felt tippy then. I reckon the 14 is better for guys under 90kegs I am 105.

On the DC I can stand further back so easier to get in surfing stance. IMO the DC16, Naish 17, SIC 16 or Bullet would be a better option for someone Lou's weight.

interesting hilly. there are still a lot of fans of the older dc 16. i noticed jacko slash teatrea old dc 17 did pretty well in the scotts head race. pretty easy to use, suits the bigger guys

well worth looking at second hand ones if you are on a limited buget- there is one on the breeze forsale

ps i think i get my mantra 12'6 and 14' er tomorrow- i'm exited

QLD, 437 posts
29 Jun 2011 10:52AM
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KellyM said...

Cuttlefish said...

rager said...

From what I've seen the new Dick van Strallen shaped Lahui Kai 14' Manta is looking good too for racing, downwinding and even surfing in some pretty solid stuff. Definitely between Lahui Kai and DC for local east coast conditions

Any links to these boards?

Hey Cuttlefish the new Manta from Lahui kai is an amazing board, the only boards I have been on that I could confidently say would be competitive in all conditions, flat water, surfing, downwinding and even upwind, I raced my 12'6 last weekend against a mixture of bigger boards and found it sat longer in the troughs then the 17 I was next to and when we hit some backwash near the cliffs it just skated away, in the excel race I was on the 14' and had a nice battle with the 17'4 bullet and once again matched speed in the ocean and it pulled away in the flat.

These boards are designed with a special nose that feeds the water into the concave, so the board rides its own wave and at the same time super stable.
So when downwinding this nose comes into its own, instead of pushing up onto the bumps in front it keeps a flat platform to paddle from and pushes through pulling itself into the trough ahead, quite an amazing feeling actually. I used to paddle 16' and 17' downwind a lot but now much prefer the smaller board, as for the original topic i personally think that a 14' is the best all round board for our conditions, very user friendly easier to store and move around, can flat water train, surf your local points and play in as bigger downwind as you want.

Here are some photos of the 14' we'll be racing at Maliko and across the Molokai channel next month

I am standing in front of the grip and the board has no side wake just allows the water to flow over and keeps feeding water into the concave and gliding forward

Nice looking board KellyM Anywhere we can demo on one


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"DW boards" started by Jradedmondo