Btw.. IMO reading the water ahead is the same for open ocean.. Bays.. Lakes.. and even rivers.. It's all just water.. We don't have a different kind of water here in Melbourne..
No disrespect but open ocean to Port Philip is a big difference, wind generated ocean swells of different periods move at different speeds due to the length of the fetch of wind.
The Melbourne DW run starts at the fetch of the wind source where as the open ocean DW run may have a locally generated wind swell on top of an underlying ground swell generated thousands of kms away moving at different speeds of up to 10 seconds or more
Headlands, refracting swells and wind, the depth of water and the fetch of the locally generated wind all influence the local conditions of the DW run you encounter..
period x crest- minus foam depth, plus under swell scale refraction size divided by 2 times the size of your paddle surface area, add in how you feel on the day out of ten, x the width of your board minus the length of your board
= nothing
sunday morning light sse winds and swell up here. i might paddle up to the supsa comp.
i don't mind light winds sometimes because it's good practise. you have to make the most of every bump.
you'll learn from doing these type of runs too.
anytime in the ocean is well spent
Yeah sunday morning is supposed to be 15kt SSW here, which would be perfect - except the morning wind forecasts have been wrong here about 100% for the last month. It's bound to be 5kt offshore.
I'll be breaking out the Nalu for a while... or heaven forbid - the shortboard!
For you race paddler types - there's the Ballina Island challenge tomorrow morning - 10km paddle around the island. I notice you were supposed to register by noon today, but maybe you can sneak in?