Directions to Prince Edward Park, Woronora :-
See image for exact location - we are set up on a beach section opposite the RSL club. Any problems call either 0413 456009 or 0418 294854.
Good one bro.
Looking forward to it and have sent a text to a few of my surfin' mates giving them the heads up too.
Hope it's a great day and the weather looks the goods.
See ya' down there and don't forget the C4 paddle - LOL.
Great afternoon boys - thank you for all your efforts, thoroughly enjoyable.
Here's some shot's I took.
hey a big thanks to everyone who came along for the afternoon - it was a terrific turn out and an enjoyable paddle on the River in the heart of Gods Country.
Big thanks to Matt from GSI who supported us from the start and was a fountain of knowledge.
Chris, once again, for the exceptional lens work.
And to all the families who dropped in and enjoyed the stoke....cheers !
and to Pete who denied falling off the 9' McTavish and claimed he was "just checking the water depth!"
We now have access to a bunch of GSI demo boards which just happens to coincide with our Easter Holiday Sale...
Looks like a great day guys .... well done
I'm in NZ at the moment ,so look forward to the next demo day.
When's our next paddle?
At this stage we are lining up something in the Port Hacking for this Friday.
Then trying to organise something for the following Saturday 10th as well.
Will you be back in Oz by then?