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Distance Paddling

Created by TropB > 9 months ago, 6 Jan 2011
10 posts
6 Jan 2011 5:51AM
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Decided to start posting some of our regular downwind runs. Looking to share information on the boards, the benefits, the runs and lessons learned. Though it best to start with a short video. This one is just entertainment but there will be more potentially useful information going forward. Just ordered a new Garmen GPS Heart Rate Monitor that should give us a lot more to work with.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
6 Jan 2011 8:03AM
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nice vid. i like these helmet camera style vids. really gives a good view of what your doing. it's a good way for those starting up dw ing to see what the go is

VIC, 17457 posts
6 Jan 2011 10:05AM
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Thanks for the vid.. Is that a helmet can or chest mount?.. and what type/size board are you on?

It doesn't look like much wind (but it never does in vids).. was it about 20knots?

I liked the Blue Man Group music track with the Rock Concert Moves..


VIC, 8020 posts
7 Jan 2011 12:30AM
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Does Tropical Blends have down wind boards for sale yet?

10 posts
8 Jan 2011 3:41AM
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Thanks guys......shooting with the GoPro HD helmet cam. I've tried other angles and this seems to give the overall "feel" of what's going on. Going forward I'll look to add another camera to cut to. Right, good angle to use for training.

The wind was in the 20k+ area. Not a big deal but lots of fun. This run has it's highs and lows dependent on direction and land contours. There are a few valleys funneling and focusing so we feel the surge. Truly a great late afternoon romp.

Gota go with the Blue Man Group.......the board in the vid is a 14' "proto" left over from last season. A very good trainer that I will hold on to. The guy ahead of me is riding a more current 14 footer (similar to the one in the photo) that better represents where we are currently. We've done well racing this version so continuing down the path.

Design and construction of our new concept boards is underway as we speak. Some of what we have on paper is quite a departure but looks promising. Should be water testing by mid to late March. Have a very talented crew working hard to get us ready to rock this season.

If all goes as planned we will have stock down-winders for sale in time for racing season. Just a building block at the moment. Something to satisfy our need for speed.......

That's designer Kyle Bernhardt on the left, paddle monster Andrew Logreco in the middle and yours truly on the right. The board is the one Andrew used in the Molokai2Oahu Race, 1st place solo 14'stock (5h 25m).


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Distance Paddling" started by TropB