Thought I would add a couple of pics I took on the downwinder.
Here is Paul with the Imax 3D special edition Avatar video camera...which he did very well to carry all the way.
DJ is normally behind the he is on the job. And then at Green Point, waiting for the front to hit.
Here comes the front.
Camo bringing a board around from the "wrong side" of Green Point. With the wind starting to pick up and the runners starting to build - which meant a great finish to the downwinder!
Thanks Roscoe.. It's not often we get my ugly head in the pics.. I remember that pic of you taking a pic of me taking a pic of you..
That run from Green Point to Sandy was fantastic when that front hit.
Here's a few pics from Monday.
DJ's going so fast he's a blur.
The Storm Front that beat us to Sandy.