Here is a few pics that where taken of my 16 year old Nephew while we where holidaying at iluka.If their are any sponsors out their looking for some young talent , Jake could be Australias answer to Connor Baxter and Slater Trout.Hes a pretty solid surfer but he is also one of the top junior board paddlers in Aus , and at 16 reguarly makes senior board paddling finals.He is on the AIS talent identification program for canoe paddling aswell.This kid is built for paddling his arms almost drag along the ground Lol.He,s pushing 6ft and growing.He is focused on becoming an ironman and trains his but off , hes not a bad looking cat either.
that second shot is gold
i heard a few stories going around yamba about a grom ripping it at iluka and some bearded manic devil worshipper on sups
nice work
Lol , had some good sessions Dogman we never get dissapointed with waves down that way.I just cant catch a bloody fish , so we just tell the wives where going up the road to the hardware store , they even believed us when we said where off to rum bay to do some fishin.
nice surfing- someone in the family has got to have it
looks like he could work on his fitness a bit - haha
teatrea, get him down for the race for sure i reckon