Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

First GoPro attempt

Created by Turkish > 9 months ago, 29 Jan 2011
QLD, 91 posts
29 Jan 2011 7:09PM
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My awesome wife got me an early birthday present on Thursday (be in Bali on my birthday) so thought I'd better test it out and make sure it works ok. Have it set up on a chest rig at the moment but will try and set it on the board at some stage.
We still have a bit of swell up here but since the wind eased off the box jellyfish are back out again so the lycra stinger suits are back in fashion.
Jodie and I were the only ones out for about an hour and then only 1 other came out. Nice way to spend a Friday afternoon though

QLD, 4177 posts
29 Jan 2011 7:34PM
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Nice , i rekon you guys have some big nuts surfing up their with all the crocs, sharks, box jellys and god knows what else lurking around.

NSW, 635 posts
29 Jan 2011 11:04PM
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thats a nice wave you have there, and all to your self, just wondering what the deal with crocs is there mate

QLD, 91 posts
29 Jan 2011 10:20PM
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I think there are a few "little" crocs lurking around. Haven't seen one there for a while though, and parks and wildlife do a pretty good job of trapping the areas around the more popular beaches. Generally don't get too many of the big crocs in that area - they mostly are down bigger rivers and those types of area. Having said that though it's always a good idea to take a second look at any floating sticks around you
The biggest problem are the box jellyfish time of year. One of the guys out before us today got stung on the wrist, so we've always got a bottle of vinegar in the car to get the tentacles off. Then it just hurts like f&^k!!
We must be lucky that we only get a handfull of days when the water is clear - can't see whats floating by underneath you and get scared

QLD, 7074 posts
30 Jan 2011 4:07AM
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Nice first up video on the Go-Pro HD and good to see you down loaded to the correct format 1280 x 720 big effort surfing with the box jelly's & Irukandji and not to mention the croc's at least it will never get crowded up there for waves

Thanks for the vid.


VIC, 17513 posts
30 Jan 2011 8:58AM
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Nice vid.. thanks..


QLD, 91 posts
30 Jan 2011 10:20AM
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Piros said...

Nice first up video on the Go-Pro HD and good to see you down loaded to the correct format 1280 x 720 big effort surfing with the box jelly's & Irukandji and not to mention the croc's at least it will never get crowded up there for waves

Thanks for the vid.


Thanks Rob, think it was more good luck with the format though - just clicked on the HD format in imovie and it did the rest
Yeah, Darwin will never be the next surfing mecca but you have to make the most of what you have I guess - nasty water critters and all!!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"First GoPro attempt" started by Turkish